that, no one ever calls me. not anymore? you'll have to. i give you my word of honor, i will start nothing. that's rather pricey. i think i'll stay here. i'm thirsty. beer. twenty dollars for a beer? what am i going to do, i'm thirsty. pour the beer. i don't get that? cheers. i came to play. i'm not implying anything. you looked me over when i stood in your doorway. i'm looking you over as i step up to your table. if i don't know, i don't throw. more or less. oh, i'm sorry, i thought you were trying to take my money, and i was trying to take yours. if you're game, take my bet sportsman. shoot it all. shoot it all. shoot it all. play a game of luck long enough you're bound to meet some lucky people. and i'm not interested. i didn't come here to make friends. i came here to shoot a little crap. but then your boy over there hits me up for a two hundred dollar privilege to play fee -- -- you and nobody else. you sell at the bar a half can of warm piss, at twenty bucks a shot. how much did the six-pack cost you? 5.60, 5.65? you're greedy o'boyle. you're just too goddamn greedy. you know what i like to do when i meet greedy people? take every fuckin thing they got. leave em with nothing. i wanna burn you down. when i'm through with you, you won't have a pot to piss, or a window to throw it out of. you'll thumb a ride out of l.a. wearing a barrel. to be replaced by a different fate. the embarrassing truth that you run a gutless game. i won't forget it. i'm sure these gentlemen won't forget it. i'm sure they'll tell people who won't forget it. and we won't come back. if we don't come back, you won't get our money. couple of weeks, you won't have a game. oooohhh, that's. yes i would. shoot it all. against myself. did i stutter, i'm changing my bet. i'm betting i don't make it. oh yes i can. it's the shooter's perogative, and she knows it. can i use your phone? vernita's dead? when? what about her family? nice to see kiddo hasn't gone completely apeshit. no idea where she is? okay that did it, we're going to texas and talk sense into budd before makes him number three. we're going to have a talk about this later. got a nose problem? this is true. course not. first rule of any house, ya gotta have lucky guy comes in and wipes the place out insurance. i sincerely hope you mean that. do you know a jessica? well, she knows you. how ya doin' budd? it's elle. want to say hello? are you not going to invite me in? may i ask why not? no. there wasn't really eighty eight of them, they just called themselves the crazy 88. i dunno, i guess they thought it sounded cool. anyhow, she had about 26 or 27 around her when attacked. they all fell under her hanzo sword. she has a hanzo jingi sword. it would appear he's broken it. i know this is a ridiculous question before i ask, but you by any chance haven't kept up with your swordplay? you pawned a hattori hanzo sword? it was priceless. since it was a gift from me, why didn't you offer me the chance to buy it back? -- budd, you need to listen to me. i know we haven't spoken for quite some time, and the last time we spoke wasn't the most pleasant. but you need to get over being mad at me, and start becoming afraid of bea. because she is coming, and she's coming to kill you. and unless you accept my assistance, i have no doubt she will succeed. can't we forget the past, and look at the happy side of all this? she's brought "the boys" back together. once upon a time in china, some believe around the year, one-double knot-three. quite simply, the deadliest blow in all of the martial arts. he hits you with his fingertips, at ten different pressure points on your body. and then, he lets you walk away. but once you've taken five steps, your heart explodes inside your body, and you fall to the floor dead. no. he teaches no one the ten-point palm - exploding heart technique. but he is nietzsche's psalm personified. if pai mei doesn't kill you, he will make you stronger. now one of the things i always liked about you, kiddo, is you appear wise beyond your years. then allow me to impart, a word to the wise. whatever - what - ever - pai mei says, obey. if you flash him - even for an instant - a defiant eye, he'll pluck it out. and if you throw any american sass his way, he will snap your back and your neck like they were twigs, and that will be the story of you. he'll accept you as his student. more like a sadistic one. just seeing those steps again makes me ache. you're gonna have plenty of fun carrying buckets of water up and down that fucker. because he's a very very very old man. and like all rotten bastards, when they get old, they become lonely. not that that has any effect on their disposition. but they do learn the value of company. that's the title of my favorite soul song of the seventies. nothing. when he tells me you're done. that my dearest, all depends on you. now remember, no backtalk, no sarcasm. least not for the first year. you're going to have to let him warm up for you. he hates caucasians, despises americans, and has nothing but contempt for women, so in your case, that may take a little while. adios. yes, i got to go and meet the duchess. do you like it? why don't you put it on the dinner table, so we can enjoy it tonight. oh and josephina, take the remaining flowers and spread them around the house, if you would. you know i just had a great idea. take the roses, and spread the petals on the bed i just got for her. that'd be a nice thing to come home to, wouldn't it, a bed of roses. you wouldn't mind doing that for me, would you josephina? get the fuck off the car, lucy, lucy, down! driving his convertible as the beach whizzes by in the background. hola. kiddo, is that really you? i hear you were driving a truck? oh, you mean the little tow head next to me, who looks extraordinarily like you? her name is b.b. yes. do you approve? not now, she's in dream land. what do you mean by that? don't ask how old she is, ask, if she's five. aren't mothers like god, aren't you supposed to automatically know? have dinner with us at my hacienda tonight. she's expecting you. i knew you were on your way, so i told b.b. her mommy was coming to see her. that you were sick, that you were asleep, but one day you'd wake up and come back to her. and she asked me, "if mommy's been asleep since i was born, how will she know what i look like?" to which i replied, "because mommy's been dreaming of you." and she said, "then i'm gonna start dreaming of her." so i gave her a the one i took of you in paris, sitting on the steps with the baguette in your hand. since she was one and a half years old, she's slept with that picture of you next to her bed. and she's seen them. but the one she wants looking after her while she sleeps is the one of you holding bread. we normally have dinner around seven, is that convenient? well, it just so happens, my hacienda comes with its very own private beach. and my private beach, just so happens to look particularly beautiful bathed in moonlight. and there just so happens to be a full moon out tonight. so, swordfighter, if you anything. wear something nice tonight? will i like it? i'll dress up too. now you just wait one second there little missy. unless i'm confused, we are trying to kill each other aren't we? now i wasn't planning on taking a shot at you in front of the squirt, but, she is asleep. and if you're gonna forget everything i ever taught you, and gawk like you ain't got good sense, i'm gonna take a shot, am i not? of course not. she's like you that way. i look forward to this evening. it was great speaking with you, bea. bang bang! oh b.b., mommy got us. oh, i'm dying. i'm dying. fall down sweetheart, mommy shot you. you did it quick draw kiddo. you are-the fastest. but. little did quick draw kiddo know,. that five-year-old b.b. gunn was only playing possum, due to the fact she was impervious to bullets. hey, get back down there, you're playing possum. so, as the smirking killer approached, what she thought, was a bullet-ridden corpse,. that's when the little b.b. gunn fired. mommy, you're dead - so die. when i showed you mommy's picture, tell mommy what you said. c'mon shy girl, you know what you said, tell mommy, it'll make her fell good. that's the truth. that's what she said. do you not like it, or do you not know what it is? speaking of fixing and drinking and eating, i think it's dinner time don't you? when you were doin all that fancy shootin, you didn't happen to shoot a nice mexican woman about forty five years old, did ya? whew, then dinner should be done. josephina! you can come out now, we're ready for dinner. want to go on top of the world? b.b., don't you think mommy has the prettiest hair in the whole wide world? in fact it's better than pretty. what's better than pretty? very good, gorgeous. mommy is gorgeous. you know baby, mommy's kinda mad at daddy. i'm afraid i was. i was a real bad daddy. our little girl learned about life and death the other day. you want to tell mommy about what happened to emilio? emilio was her goldfish. she came running into my room holding the fish in her hand, crying, "daddy daddy, emilio's dead." and i said, "really, that's so sad. how did he die?" and what did you say? actually young lady, the words you so strategically used were, "i accidentally stepped on him." right? to which i queried, "and just how did your foot accidentally find its way into emilio's fishbowl?" and she told me no no no, emilio was on the carpet when she stepped on him. hummmmmm, the plot thickens. and just how did emilio get on the and then you stomped on him? and when you lifted your foot up, what was emilio doing then? he stopped flapping, didn't he? and you knew what that meant, didn't you? what did that mean? she told me later, that the second she lifted up her foot and saw him not flapping, she knew he was dead. is that not the perfect visual image of life and death? a fish flapping on the carpet, and a fish not flapping on the carpet. so powerful even a five-year old child with no concept of life and death knew what it meant. not only did she know emilio was dead, she knew she had killed him. so she comes running into my room, holding emilio in both of her little hands - it was so cute - and she wanted me to make emilio better. and i asked her, why did she step on emilio? and she said, she didn't know. but i knew why. you didn't mean to hurt emilio, you just wanted to see what would happen if you stepped on him, right? and what happens when you stomp on emilio, is you kill him. and you discovered that, didn't you? so we drove down to the beach, had a little funeral, and gave emilio a burial at sea. and right now i'm sure he's happy as can be, swimmin around in fish heaven. but the point being, our child learned two very important lessons. one, about life and death. the other, somethings once you do, they well sweety, i love mommy, but i did to mommy what you did to emilio. worse. i shot mommy. not pretend shoot, like we were just doing. i shot her for real. i don't know. no, i knew what would happen to mommy if i shot her. what i didn't know, is when i shot mommy, what would happen to me. i was very sad. and that was when i learned, somethings once you do, they can never be undone. why don't you ask mommy. no sweety, it doesn't hurt anymore. did she go to sleep easy? well, if she doesn't like you, you got to kill her to say hello. but if she likes you, you can't shut her up. she's a chip off the ole blonde in that regards. red wine? c'mon, bea, you're a whole lot more fun with a couple glasses of wine in ya. we're going to go out there and have at it, aren't we? well, i've already had a glass. so unless you want to win by an unfair advantage, you should have a glass of wine. so we're both on the same footing wine wise. you know, there's an old man down here, his name is esteban viharo. he was a pimp. i knew him when i was a child. he was a friend of my mother's. i told him about you. when i showed him your picture he smiles and said; "yesss, i see the attraction." he told me a story about taking me to the movies when i was five. it was a movie which had lana turner in it. and whenever she would appear on screen, he said i would stick my thumb in my mouth and suck it, to an obscure amount. and he knew right then, this boy will be a fool for blondes. well not you, that's for damn sure. no we mustn't. but if you're going to say sentences like that, in the future, i will resist the temptation. i sent you to l.a. and you never came back. i thought you'd been killed. do you know how cruel it is to make someone think someone they love is dead? i mourned you. then in the third month of my mourning, i track you down. i wasn't trying to track you down, i was trying to track down - the fucking assholes - who i thought killed you. and when i find you, what to i find? not only are you not dead, you're getting married - to some fuckin jerk - and you're pregnant? how do you expect me to react? why did you leave in the first place? you have cold eyes towards me now. i understand their temperature, but they were warm the second to the last time i saw them, or was that just my imagination? you are you talking in japanese? you're right, i'm wrong, continue. but you never did. my apologies, please continue. yes. but why tell me now, and not then? fuck who? that's not your decision to make. i'm sorry was that a question? of impossible things that could never happen - yes in this instance you would have been wrong. well what? i already have. when i told you the story of when i thought you were dead. didn't you get how badly i felt? well if that's too cryptic let's get literal. there are consequences to breaking the heart of a murdering bastard. you experienced some of them. baby, you ain't kidding. you know how proud i am of you, don't you? you know i was rooting for you, don't you? you know on that beach out there i want you to be the victor? you also know you're going to have to defeat me. i can't just give it to you, even though i want to. well, as they say in missouri, show me. stares across the sand to the figure of the bride, his student, facing him at sunrise with a weapon he taught her to use. this is where all who teach combat artistry may end up. facing a frankenstein monster of their own creation. he removes his hanzo sword from its sheath with great flourish. that's my girl. he taught you the ten point palm exploding heart technique? why didn't you tell me? no. you're not a bad person. you're a terrific person. you're my favorite person. but every once in awhile. you can be a real cunt.