as sidewinder" great day in the morning. brother bill livin up to his familia obligation. oh, you know my life, bill, just a mad rush of wild parties and wealthy women. is that that tall blonde one-eyed viking bitch in the passenger seat? never said "bye," can't seem to think of a reason to say, "hi." what'd ya wanna talk about? no. it stinks in there, that's why. now what's so important it requires a reunion? you tryin to tell me she cut her way through eighty-eight bodyguards 'fore she got to o-ren? why. she got 'er a hattori hanzo sword? he made her one? didn't he swear a blood oath never to make another sword? them japs know how to carry a grudge don't they? or is it just you tend to bring that out in people? hell, i pawned that years ago. yep. not in el paso it ain't. in el pso i got me 250 dollars for it. because that would've required me to acknowledge your existence. drunken bum though i may be, i don't need booze that bad. but who the hell gives a crap anyway. that bitch ain't gittin no bushido points for killin a white trash piece of shit like me with a samurai sword. i'm a bouncer in a titty bar, bill. if she wants to fight me, all she gotta do is come down to the club, start some shit, and we'll be in a a fight. and what would that happy side be? i appreciate the concern on your face, but there's a difference 'tween "the boys", time can't erase. i don't dodge guilt. and i don't jew outta payin my comeuppance. that woman deserves her revenge. and we deserve to die. but then again, so does she. so i guess we'll just see now, won't we. hey, lucky. i'll take care of it, suzie pie. bet your sweet ass that don't sting like a bitch. you done got a double dose of rock salt, right in the ole tit. now not havin tits as fine or as big as yours, i can't even imagine how bad that shit stings. but i don't wont to neather. now i know when it comes to a rock salt burn, you're feelin pretty much like a expert bout now. but truth be told, you ain't felt all rock salt's got to offer till you took a double dose in your backside. that gentled ya down, didn't it? yep. ain't nobody a badass with two barrels of rock salt dug deep in their backyard. wrong brother, you hateful bitch. bingo. i just caught me the cowgirl, ain't never been caught. if you think i mean i got 'er, you thought right. not yet i ain't. but i can sure do it easy enough. she's so gentle right now, i could preform her coup de grace with a rock. no. it's just. i ain't killed nobody in a long goddamn time. and just 'tween you, me, and jesus christ, kinda made me a promise i wasn't gonna. be that however it is. back when i did kill people. i got paid for it. just don't seem right. turn amateur this time of life. anywho, guess what i'm holdin in my hand right now. a brand spankin new hattori hanzo sword. and i'm here to tell ya elle, that's what i call sharp. oh, that's hard to say. seein it's priceless and all. i'm sure you would. but i'll take, one million. well elle, a million dollars buys a whole lotta jack. if i'm gonna drink myself to death, . it won't be on bill's dollar. it's gonna be on yours. you buy a ticket to texas, and i'll see you here tomorrow mornin. you give me a million in foldin cash, i'll give you the greatest sword ever made by a man. how's that sound? what? you said one condition. what? that elle darlin, i can pretty damwell guarantee. wakey wakey, eggs and bakey. look at those eyes. this bitch is furious. you grab her feet, i'll get her head. in america white women call this the silent treatment. and we let 'em think, we don't like it. hey hey hey, wiggle worm, look at this. looky here bitch, this is a can of mace. now you're goin underground tonight, and that's all there is to it. but, when i bury ya, i was gonna bury you with this. but if you're gonna act like a horse's ass, i'll spray this whole goddamn can in your eyeballs. then you'll be blind, burnin, and buried alive. so what's it gonna be sister? you may be stupid, but at least you ain't bloody stupid. yellow? elle darlin, she's sufferin as we speak. want some breakfast? yep. paula schultz. that's my money in that black case, isn't it? well then, it's your sword now. that's a hanzo sword alright. once. if you're gonna compare a hanzo sword, you compare it to every so, which "r" you filled with? they say the number one killer of old people is retirement. people got'em a job to do, they tend to live a little longer so they can do it. i've always figured warriors and their enemies share the same relationship. so now you ain't gonna hafta face your enemy on the battlefield no more, which "r" are you filled with, relief or regret? bullshit. i'm sure you do feel a little bit of both. but i know damn well you feel one more than you feel the other. the question was which one? yeah you gotta hand it to the ol' girl. i never saw nobody buffalo bill the way she buffaloed bill. bill useta think she was so damn smart. i tried to tell him. bill, she's just smart for a blonde. great day in the morning.