i might never of liked you. point in fact i despise you. but that doesn't suggest i don't respect you. you were a master of a profession that's most difficult to master. dying in our sleep is a luxury our kind is rarely afforded. my gift to you. hello, bill. affirmative. comatose. i'm standing over her right now. what! don't fuckin ssshhh me! if you think i came all the way down to texas - in a dog and cat rainstorm no less - just to tuck sleeping beauty in bed - you got another fuckin thing comin - you don't owe her shit!! you don't owe her shit. man, fuck that bitch! oh you're not are you? well bill, you never leave a job half done. a great teacher taught me that once, he looked a whole lot like i guess. no, i don't need to guess, i know. affirmative. i love you too, bye bye. thought that was pretty funny didn't ya? word of advice shithead, don't you ever wake up. ya know now i get a better look at you, you're not so damn pretty. yeah, you go that venus thing going for you but. ya know, now i get a closer look at you you're kinda weird looking. you got this big nose that doesn't fit with the rest of your face, your eyes are two different sizes. and look at your skin. my complexion is way better than yours -- oh, no you didn't. if you ever take your ass out of this goddamn bed for as long as you fuckin live, i will beat you into the ground, bitch! tough titty, i quit. bill? budd? and what do i owe this dubious pleasure? do you mean what i think you mean? did you kill her? what are you waiting for, run outta liquid courage. how much? i'll give you a hundred thousand dollars for it. jeez budd, who'd ever guess you were such a capitalist. i thought drunks like yourself were beyond such monetary concerns? why then are you selling it to a hateful bitch like me, when you know bill would pay more? what's the terms? sounds like we got a deal. one you kill her tonight. and one more thing. it's a caveat to the same condition. she must suffer to her last breath. then i'll see you in the morning millionaire. didja do it? so that's called a texas funeral? i got to give it to ya budd, that's a pretty fucked up way to die. what's the name on the grave she's buried under? can i look at the sword? sure is. so this, is a hattori hanzo sword. bill tells me you once had one of your own. how does this one compare to that one? what? a little bit of both. regret. want your money? oh, i'm sorry budd, that was rude of me wasn't it? budd -- i'd like to introduce my friend, the black mamba. black mamba -- this is budd. you know before i picked up that little fella, i looked him up on the internet. now in these last agonizing minutes of life you have left, let me answer the question you asked earlier, more thoroughly. when it comes to that bitch, i gotta lotta "r's" in me. revenge is one. retribution is another. rivalry is definitely one. but i got another bill. elle. i have some tragic news. your brother's dead. i'm sorry baby. she put a black mamba in his camper. i got her, sweety. she's dead. let me put it this way. if you ever start feeling sentimental, go to austin, texas. when you get here, walk into a florist and buy a bunch of flowers. then you take those flowers to huntington cemetery on fuller and guadalupe, look for the headstone marked "paula schultz", then lay them on the grave. because you will be standing at the final resting place of beatrix kiddo. i'm so sorry baby. --look, i can get there in about four hours, should i come over? no no no no no, you need me baby. i'm there. okay, i'm leaving now, go smoke some pot or something. i'll be there soon. bring it on, bitch. now that's what i call sharp. bravo, bea. i actually thought that alacky had got the best of you. what's that? he said he pawned it. bea. i called him a bastard. were i to do it over again, i'd bite my tongue. shoot. villa quatro. why lie? i intend to. i don't rattle, bitch!