yes you may. try the second one down in the sixth row on your left. funny, you like samurai swords. i like baseball. i wanted to show you these. however someone as you, who knows so much must surely know, i no longer make instruments of death. i keep these here for their ascetic and sentimental value. yet proud tho i am of my life's work. i am retired. these are not for sale. and why should i be obliged to assist you in the extermination of your vermin? you can sleep there. it will take me a week to make the sword. i suggest you spend it practicing. i've done this, because philosophically i'm sympathetic to your aim. revenge is never a straight line. it's a forest. and like a forest it's easy to lose your way. to get lost. to forget where you came in. to serve as a compass, a combat philosophy must be adopted that can be found in the secret doctrine of the yagu ninja. and now my yellow haired warrior, repeat after me; "when engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern. this is the first and cardinal rule of combat. suppress all human emotion and compassion. kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be lord god, or buddha himself. this truth lies at the heart of the art of combat. once it is mastered. thou shall fear no one. though the devil himself may bar thy way. hello. beatrix, what's wrong? half of bill's strength, lies in his talent for the unexpected. if you intend to vanquish this man, and claim your daughter, you must not only expect the unexpected. you must do the unexpected.