hello. who is this. -- and i don't want to neither. now -- stop, i don't wanna hear no more. i got problems of my own. then bitch, you better call yourself a ambulance, cause i don't do this shit no more. -- no, you can call a ambulance, you just don't want to. but if your ass is really dying, you ain't got no motherfuckin choice. bitch, i don't even know you! okay, where you at? whatcha do, crawl two blocks? you got you some money dontcha, or am i doin this out of the goodness of my heart? you ain't too far away. you gonna bleed to death i get there in a half a hour? okay, i'll be there in fifteen minutes. just you better be there when i get there, and you better be shot five times, and your bony ass better be on your last motherfuckin legs. you sound like you have a bony ass. there's cops all over here, i had to be cool. they tend to notice things like negroes sneaking around people's backyards. this shit's gonna hurt, and i ain't got no anesthetic. yeah, bullets are bad news. in the future, you should avoid them if you can. you'll live to kill again.