english? ahhhh,. america, welcome. welcome. my english -- very good. oh, "domo", very good -- very good, you speak japanese? sure sure sure - sit. what other words did you learn - excuse me -- -- what other japanese you learn? "arigato". very good. "ah-so!" you know what "ah-so" meansß i see - very good. yes. "kon-nichi-wa". repeat please. most impressive. you say japanese words, like you japanese. no no no - serious business. pronunciation - very good. you say "arigato" . like we say "arigato." you should learn japanese - very easy. what! yes yes yes - most difficult. but you have japanese tongue. most definitely, most definitely japanese in another life. what! ah, thank you very much. - drink - ahhh sake, very good. first time in japan? what! what brings you to okinawa? aaahh, you have friend live in okinawa? not friend? who is he, may i ask? what do you want with hattori hanzo? why do you need japanese steel? you must have big rats you need hattori hanzo steel.