bill, i'm pregnant. it's your baby. that's tim, arthur's best friend. that's his girlfriend janeen. that's my best friend from work erica. that's the minister. i think his name was reverend hillhouse. that's his wife. organ player, don't know her name. that's arthur. arthur plympton. the and that, that's me. i'm the bride. looked dead, didn't i? well i wasn't, but it wasn't for lack fo trying, i can tell you that. actually bill's last bullet put me in a coma. a coma i was to lie in for five years. when i woke up, . i went on what the movie advertisements refer to as a roaring rampage of revenge. i roarded and i rampaged and i got bloody satisfaction. in all, i've killed 33 people to get to this piont right now. i have only one more. the last one. hello sweety, i'm * *, what's your name? nikki. what a pretty name for such a pretty little girl. how old are you nikki? four years old, aye. you know i once had a little girl. she'd be five right now. maybe you two could of played with each other. yeah, sure. both, please. this pasadena homemaker's name is jeanne bell. her husband is dr. lawrence bell. but back when we were acquainted, five years ago, her name was vernita green. her code name, was "cobra". mine was black mamba. were you expecting me? you suppose correctly. oh. i'm quite positive you're sorry, now. you can relax for now. i'm not going to murder you in front of your daughter. well that's a demonstration of bill's complete ignorance when it comes to the subject of me, and what i'm thinking, and what i might do. it's mercy, compassion, and forgiveness i lack, not rationality. i'll wait for now, but i won't wait for long. i'll allow you to choose a time and place for us to meet again, preferably as far away from nikki as possible. i could have just hit you, i didn't, i demand respect for that. since this is not a hit, consider it a duel. and as two former deadly vipers, we will observe viper rules of honor. one on one - no help - no bushwhackin - no treacherous weapons - on weapon of choice - our skill and our bodies. - i'm not through telling you. failure to keep our date, or duplicity of any kind, will result in me putting a xoxo hollow point bullet into the back of your skull from a window of a building across the street from nikki's elementary school. now, feel free to respond. i don't care. -- bitch, you can stop right there. just because i have no wish to murder you before the eyes of your daughter, does not mean parading her around in front of me is going to inspire sympathy. you and i have unfinished business. -- but that's where you're wrong, vernita. i don't want to get even. to get even, even steven. i would have to kill you, go into nikki's room, kill her, then wait for your old man, dr. bell, to come home and kill him. that would make us even. no, my unborn daughter will just hafta be satisfied with your death at her mother's hands. it all depends. when do you want to die? tomorrow? the day after tomorrow? that's about as long as i'll wait. spendid. where? bill said you were one of the best ladies he'd ever seen with an edged weapon. weapon of choice? and if you want to stick with your butcher knife, i'm cool with that. do to your daughter, what you did to mine. . i won't. it was not my intention to do this in front of you. for that i'm sorry. but you can take my word for it, your mother had it coming. when you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, i'll be waiting. my baby. five years. five years. where's bill? bill! where is bill! i saw him here myself. slam! . now do you tell me where he is, or do i beat your fuckin brains in? where is bill? where did you get this from? bullshit! i saw bill wearing it in this room ten minutes ago. your name's buck, right? and you came to fuck, right? wiggle your big toe. wiggle your big toe. wiggle your big toe. now after five years of beauty sleep i knew absolutely nothing about my enemies' strengths weakness or whereabouts. but as fated by god vengeance would have it, i who knew nothing - knew one thing. as sure as god made little green apples. if o-ren ishii, the first name on my death list, was still alive. she'd live in japan. o-ren ishii, made her first acquaintance with death at the age of eleven. it was at that age, a half-chinese, half-japanese american army brat witnessed the murder of her master sergeant father. and the rape, then murder of her mother at the hands of japan's most ruthless yakuza boss, boss matsumoto. she swore revenge. luckily for her, boss matsumoto was a pedophile. at thirteen, she got her revenge. by twenty, she was one of the tip top of female assassins in the world. at twenty-three she joined bill's deadly vipers. at twenty five she did her part in the killing of eight innocent people, including my unborn daughter, in a small wedding chapel in el paso texas. but on that day, five years ago, she made one big mistake. she should of killed nine. however, before statisfaction would be mine, first things first. wiggel your big toe. hart part's over. now let's get these other piggies wiggling. almost -- american. domo. nooo, just a few words i learned since yesterday. - may i sit at the bar? oh. let's see"arigato." "ah-so". "i see." i already said "domo", right? "kon-netie-wa." "kon-nichi-wa?" now you're making fun of me. well, thank you - i mean. arigato. no kidding, i heard it's kinda hard. i always heard it was difficult. maybe i was japanese in another life. how did you know tuna's my favorite? tuna's my favorite. i beg your pardon? oh yes, a bottle of warm sake. a-huh. yes, this is my first time. i came to see a man. not quite. i've never met him. hattori hanzo. i need japanese steel. i have vermin to kill. huge. may i? then give me one of these. i didn't say, sell me. i said, give me. because my vermin, is a former student of yours. and considering the student, i'd say you had a rather large obligation. domo. when fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, at the time it seems proof like no other, that not only does god exist, you're doing his will. at a time when i knew the last about my enemies, the first name on my death list, was the easiest to find. but at the age of twenty, bill backed his nippon progeny financially and philosophically in her shakespearian-in-magnitude power struggle with the other yakuza clans, over who would rule vice in the city of tokyo. when it was all over, it was the geisha-regaled o-ren ishii that proved the victor. and just in case you're wondering how could a half breed japanese chinese american become the boss of all criminal activity in tokyo, japan,. i'll tell you. the subject of o-ren's blood and nationality came up before the council only once. the night o-ren assumed power over the crime council. the man who seems bound and determined to break the mood is boss tanaka. and what boss tanaka thinks is. the mop tops in black suits and kato masks were o-ren's soldiers, "the crazy 88." the two young girls in the schoolgirl uniforms are her personal bodyguards, the yubari sisters. yuki, aged sixteen, and go go, aged seventeen. the pretty lady who's dressed like she's a villain on star trek is o-ren's best friend and her lawyer, sofie fatale. and finally, the american in the black suit but sans kato mask, o-ren's head of security, mr. barrel. yes, i am looking for the attorney of o-ren ishii, sofie fatale. would that be you? you know, for a second there, yeah i did. those of you lucky enough to still have your lives. take them with you. but leave the limbs you've lost. they belong to me now. any more subordinates for me to kill, o-ren? you're mr. barrel, right? our reputations precede us. tell me mr. barrel, why don't you wear your kato mask? are you and iconoclast? you shouldn't work for her. it's not too late to quit. no. this has nothing to do with you and i, and everything to do with me taking satisfaction from that bitch behind you. and there's absolutely positively no way i'm going to leave here without taking that satisfaction. so mr. barrel, you have to stand aside. and that means you must quit, right now. yes you can. don't say "can't", there are no "cant's." yes - you - can. oh my god. . she just called you a fool. she just called you a fool in front of me. not only am i your opponent. i'm a female fellow countryman. and you're going to risk your life - to say nothing of harming me - for a woman who refers to you as a fool? i'll owe ya one. yes? i'll be disappointed if you don't. domo. okinawa. this is hattori hanzo steel. no. attack me. with everything you have. accepted. ready? yes. i've kept you alive for one reason. information. being o-ren's lawyer, i take it you're familiar with bill? in fact, i'd guesstimate, you worked for bill before o-ren, and that's how it is you came to work for o-ren. am i correct? i thought so. give me the arm you have left. i want information. now gimme your arm. the cocktail racing through your bloodstream at this moment is bill's own recipe. he calls it "the undisputed truth." okay, first things first. where was the other yubari sister? yuki? do tell? what's wrong with her? awwww poor baby. what do you think she'll do when she finds out what happened? best guess, what will she do? will she ever give up? is she more skilled than i? don't be coy with me, bitch. what would be the word? okay, now i want all the information on the deadly vipers,. what they've been doing and where i can find them. i'm allowing you to keep your wicked life for one reason and one reason only. so you can tell him, in person, everything that happened here tonight. i want him to witness the extent of my mercy, by witnessing your deformed body. i want you to tell him, all the information you just told me. i want him to know what i know. i want him to know i want him to know. and i want them all to know, they'll all soon be as dead as o two down, and three to go. conigute wa. yuki? can i help you? i was. i know you feel you must avenge your sister. but i beg you. walk away. sure. domo. very pretty. yuki, you're gorgeous. you bet. don't make me kill you. stay in your house and stay down on the floor! gotcha! yuki, in about two minutes there's going to be an army of police here. so if you're gonna kill me, now's the time. goddamn, what a wildcat. hello, i'm calling nurse owens -- you don't know me, but -- -- i've been shot five times -- i'm dying. i can't call an ambulance. i do have a choice, and i'm choosing to call you. if you refuse to help me, i'll die. and that will be your choice. what do you need to know? i'm from earth, i'm a woman, i'm dying, and only you can help me. i'm in hawthorne. i'm hiding in a kids treehouse. it's a street called, "dimmick". 1-7-3-6 dimmick avenue. there's a bunch of police cars and firetrucks, about two blocks away. if you can't walk, you better crawl. you come and get me, today's pay day. probably. is that pacific standard time, or c.p.t.? how do you know i have a bony ass? glad you made it. what's that? that fuckin smarts. i'll keep that in mind. so, do i have a future? splendid. what l.f. o'boyle didn't know was, the real game was just beginning. bill was on the job, and she was the target. now bill was the greatest assassin of the 20th century. in fact the term hitman was coined for him. and he rarely performs actual assassinations anymore. however every once in awhile - to keep his hand in - he does. only he plays a game. he doesn't start big trouble. he lets them start it. if they do, they're dead. if they don't, not only won't he perform, he'll take the hit off the market. it's kind of fun watching people gamble when they don't know they're gambling, isn't it? shiner. help me. well, now that you've had a nice, good cry, let's figure out how to get out of here? you're breathing like you just been fuckin. calm down. close your mouth, and start breathing short breaths, through your nose. that's a lot better. but you're still too agitated. can you hear your heart? it's like i'm buried alive with buddy rich. turn off that flashlight. no! i can't turn off the light. yes you can. the darkness will have a calming effect. now turn off that fucking light. what praytell, is a ten-point palm - exploding heart technique? did he teach you that? caught him in a good mood, aye? why did he accept me? when will i see you again? what? when do you think that might be? hello! more stairs, jesus christ. no please don't! wow! i'd like a glass of water. here. you thought wrong. budd's hanzo sword. guess that makes him a liar, don't it? elle? i was wondering, just 'tween us girls, what did you say to pai mei for him to snatch out your eye? oooh, not so good. one more question? where's bill? gulf of mexico? you wouldn't lie to me now? i saw what you did to that little mamba in there. want to try that on somebody your own size? oh elle, i should warn you before we get started. hattori hanzo swords are extremely sharp. they can take a little getting used to. careful not to cut your own arm off. you're gonna bleed though, you're gonna bleed a lot. the attentive audience members among you will have probably noticed, that all my kills have been straight up fights. y'all figured i'd face him with my hello bill. oh, it's me all right. my pussy wagon died on me. who's your little friend? yeah, that one. b.b.? yes. can she hear us? how old is she? how many years has she been alive? is she five? i did and i do. i want to meet her. what do you mean? what have you told her about me? -- which one? you know, prettier photos of me do exist. yes. when do we cross swords? do me a courtesy? slow down as we pass. i want another look at her. i have a dress all picked out. you said i looked beautiful last time you saw me in it. you fucking maricone! did she wake up? hattori! she's alive! my baby girl's alive! hello manny. hello josephina. stay in here and don't come out. if you leave this room i'll shoot you, comprende? oh, b.b., you got me. i should have known, you are the best. every single night, baby. now let me look at you. my my my. what a pretty girl you are. thank you. it took her a little bit. she was excited. she's quite the little chatterbox. who would of ever thought you'd be such a good father? must we have to endure your little zingers? baby, you don't have a future. why do you think i hid? no. you sent me to l.a. to kill that lady scoundrel, lisa wong. what the hell do you care what i talk in? don't you know when to keep your mouth shut? i'm trying to tell you what you want to know, if you'll just shut up and listen and stop talking! now may i continue? the morning i left, i threw up. i don't feel like speaking in japanese anymore - on the plane, i threw up. when i got to my hotel, i threw up. so naturally i started thinking, maybe i might be pregnant. so i bought one of those home pregnancy kits. went back to my room and took the test. the little strip said blue. i was going to have a baby. i tried to call you, but you weren't there, so i just thought i'd call back later. - would you shut up, i'm trying to tell you how i feel. so i just figured i'd call you back later. i was just so happy, i put on music and danced by myself in the hotel suite, holding my little blue strip. what i didn't know, was at some leg of my journey, i was spotted. with me in los angeles it didn't take lisa wong long to figure out someone put a hit out on her. so she sent an assassin of her own to hello, can i help you? oh, it's beautiful. but i'm kinda busy at this second, could you possibly come back later? wait a second! yes, i'm an assassin. yes i did come here to kill your sister. but i'm not gonna do that now. - listen to me! i just found out, right now - not two minutes before you blew a hole in the door, i'm pregnant. on that table is the home pregnancy kit. on the floor by the door is the strip that says i'm pregnant. i'm telling you the truth, i don't want to and i won't kill your sister. i just want to go home. any other time you'd be a hundred percent right. but this time you're a hundred percent wrong. i'm the deadliest woman in the world, but right now i'm scared shitless for my baby. please, you hafta believe me. look at the strip, it's on the floor. blue means pregnant. just go home. i'll do the same. facing karen wong, was the most frightening moment i have ever experienced. and that includes three years with that evil bastard pai mei. before that strip turned blue, i was a woman, i was your woman. i was a killer, who killed for you. before that strip turned blue, i would have jumped a motorcycle on to a speeding train . for you. but once that strip turned blue, i could no longer do any of those things. not anymore. because now i was a mother. a mother who only had one thought on her mind. please don't harm my baby. can you understand that? you wouldn't have let me go. specially once you found out i was pregnant. you would've tried to talk me out of it. it would have been a big scene. i just said fuck it. bill, you couldn't know i was pregnant, once you knew, you'd claim it, and i didn't want that. yes, but it's the right decision. and i made it for my daughter. everybody on this earth deserves to start with a clean slate. but with us - my daughter would be born into a world she shouldn't be. robbing her of the one thing everybody deserves. she would be born with blood stains. i had to choose. i chose her. you know five years ago, if i had to make a list of impossible things that could never happen. you performing a coup de grace on me by bustin a cap in my crown, would be right at the top of the list. i'd've been wrong, wouldn't i? well? explain yourself. you call that an explanation? you and i have unfinished business. yes. i figured. it won't be necessary for you to give me anything. i've surpassed you. i'll take it. attack me. of course he did. i don't know. because. i'm a. bad person.