yes and no. bill got in touch with me right after you woke up, and then again a little later after your episode in japan. so i suppose it's a little late for a apology, huh?
even if i was sincere?
look bitch, i need to know if you're gonna start anymore shit around my baby girl!
that's being more rational than bill led me to believe you were capable of.
* *
look. i know i fucked you over. i fucked you over bad. i wish to god i hadn't, but i did.
if i could go back in a machine i would, but i can't. all i can tell you is i'm a different person now.
be that as it may, i know i do not deserve mercy or forgiveness. however, i beseech you for both on behalf of my daughter.
you have every right to wanna get even --
when do we do this?
how bout tonight, bitch?
there's a baseball diamond where our little league has its games, about a mile from here. we meet there around two-thirty in the morning, dressed all in black, your hair in a black stocking, and we have us a knife fight, we won't be
fuck you, bitch, i know he didn't qualify it, so you can just kiss my motherfuckin ass, black mamba. black mamba, i shoulda been motherfuckin black mamba.
very funny.
sorry, bout the bushwhack. please don't.