ferrari. italian trash. do you find me hot? don't laugh! do you want to fuck me, yes or no? how bout now, big boy, do you still wish to penetrate me. or is it i who has penetrated you. where is vernita green? california, here i come. conigute wa! bingo! you can kill yourself. taking a trip? you still are. one way. you call that begging? you can beg better than that. can i see your face? i've heard your beauty is exquisite. i would like to see for myself. ohhhh,. look how pretty your face is. oooohhh,. i want to touch it. your face is so pretty, i just want to put both of my palms against your cheeks and give you little tiny kisses. how do i look? you're just saying that 'cause i told you how pretty you are. really? is that how you'd describe me to somebody if i wasn't here? yuki's gorgeous? okay. you think you're safe! i say; ha! time for the rabbit to come out of her hole! you fucking bitch! you shot me in my breast! they're not fully developed yet, you fucking asshole! now i'm always gonna have a dimple! piss me off! that fucking does it!