francois, ricardo, and jean have finished herding everyone behind the teller windows. claude is on his way downstairs. francois peeks through the venetian blinds of the windows to the outside. zoey is sitting on the floor next to the other bank hostages. zoey looks at all the people sitting around her. they're all scared. jean, ricardo, and francois are talking amongst themselves. francois is on the ground holding his arm. he keeps rolling back and forth in pain. francois, claude, and jean are forcing customers to drag dead bodies into a cube. the room shakes and everyone looks toward the hall that leads to the stairs. claude is talking to jean. eric rushes into the lobby. eric slams the phone down and then in a fit of rage tears the phone from the wall. eric is dragging zoey by the hair toward the door when she grabs his groin and starts squeezing. zed and oliver collapse out of the back office and into the lobby. they tumble onto the floor. eric hobbles over to them, his gun aimed at zed. eric leans down to talk to zed. oliver and jean are watching. francois and claude are more worried about the tear gas. jean becomes a berzerker and runs out into a cloud of smoke and throws the tear gas container into the thick cloud. the police are now laying it on heavy. francois comes out of the office. zoey and zed, bandaged up, are being aided by all of the french policemen as they walk through the bank.