zed opens up his steel briefcase. inside of it are all sorts of electronic gear and tools. zed takes a power drill out from the briefcase and attaches a special diamond tipped bit. he measures the depth he wants to drill to and then marks the bit with a yellow pencil. zed starts drilling into the point he marked with the chalk on the vault door. extreme close on: zed's drill bit. it burrows into the steel wall of the safe spewing out spiral shavings. zed looks up hearing the commotion. zed is drilling now with a hand drill. he removes it and blows into the hole. shavings come out. zed trots back to the poseidon vault door and quickly grabs a little gizmo from out of his briefcase. it is a little home- made black box with a series of led's on it and two wires coming out of one side with alligator clips on the end. three other wires are also coming out of it. they take cover. dust has blown out of the vault and is settling on oliver, zed, and eric, who is laughing like a madman.