zed, would you like a beer? don't think of it. here you go mate. you have to look at the starship enterprise as a metaphor for the human brain. spock is the right hemisphere of the brain, all logic and intellect. mc coy is the left hemisphere, stricktly emotional. and kirk is the unseen observer. he drifts between the two. back and forth, as it might be, caught between the two thought processes. it's really quite brilliant you know. that's why star trek is and always will be a hit show. fucking fags! so, how long have you known eric? yeah, and his dad's french. well, it's good to have you here. eric speaks fairly highly of you. say, he says you're a big fan of viking films. oh they're the best. helmets with horns on them. shit. that's fucking genius. how 'bout toy jazz? you like it? i love it. it's really good, you know? like real music. it has a heart and culture all it's own. it's, like, jazz for dwarves. or guys in leiderhosen. total purity of essence. hungry cannibals'd like it. non merci, c'est de la merde. look at him. he's crazy. zed, would you like a beer? don't think of it. here you go mate. you have to look at the starship enterprise as a metaphor for the human brain. spock is the right hemisphere of the brain, all logic and intellect. mc coy is the left hemisphere, stricktly emotional. and kirk is the unseen observer. he drifts between the two. back and forth, as it might be, caught between the two thought processes. it's really quite brilliant you know. that's why star trek is and always will be a hit show. fucking fags! so, how long have you known eric? yeah, and his dad's french. well, it's good to have you here. eric speaks fairly highly of you. say, he says you're a big fan of viking films. oh they're the best. helmets with horns on them. shit. that's fucking genius. how 'bout toy jazz? you like it? i love it. it's really good, you know? like real music. it has a heart and culture all it's own. it's, like, jazz for dwarves. or guys in leiderhosen. total purity of essence. hungry cannibals'd like it. non merci, c'est de la merde. look at him. he's crazy. who gives a damn if they see us or not anyway! i can't see a fucking think in this! the phones are dead. oh my god! the police! what is it?! i came down to see how things were going and heard shots! we've got guns. why don't we just storm in and blast his fucking ass! it's three against one! let's give it the old-- i'm just trying to be helpful. you don't have to snap at me. right. when you tell me, i'll open it up. right. i'll be at the other vault waiting for you to call to me. sure. holy mother. this is unbelievable. look at all of this. it's wonderful to touch. do you think we should get some cash also? well, you never know. that's true. eric knows someone in portugal. a what? oh, it won't matter. the police know what we're up too. you don't know? we've been discovered. but eric has them under control. the building is surrounded. this is the end! bastard! motherfuckers! you wanna fuck with me? you wanna fuck with me? i'll show you who you're fucking with! ox! where is thy yoke!?