come on, fellas - you know the deal - we agreed to push maureen's start date so she could get her teeth fixed. trust me, bruce and maureen are gonna steam up the screen - once we get them on the ship. the one we've hired to get to the location. yes, i understand that - but fellas, we're not making that film anymore - and i'll tell you why. i'm talking about a primitive world . never before seen by man! the ruins of an entire civilisation - the most spectacular thing you've ever seen! that's where i'll shoot my picture! excuse me, boobies? what are you - an idiot? you think they asked de mille to waste his time on nudie shots? no - they respected the film maker, they showed some class! not that you'd know what that means - you cheap low-life! gimme that - quick! preston, you have a lot to learn about the motion picture business. i want the cast and crew on the ship within the hour. tell `em the studio's pressured us into an early departure. hat are they gonna do - sue me? they can get in line! i'm not going to let them kill my film. hat's why i have you, preston. get in there! tep on it! on't worry preston - i've had a lot of practice at this: i'm real good at crapping the crappers. and two dozen of mr. walker's finest you got it . and tell maureen - she doesn't have six hours to put on her face. if she wants to be in this picture, she's gotta be on that boat! she pulled out?! you said we were shooting in singapore, right? that's what you told her? exasperation) goddammit, preston! all you had to do is look her in the eye and lie. myrna loy? clara bow? mae west? fay's a size four! ooper huh? i might have known. not an option. i said i'd find a girl. excuse me . vaudeville huh? i worked vaudeville once. that is a tough audience. if you don't kill them fast, they kill you. t was obviously a terrible misunderstanding. mock sincerity) that's awful. anyway, ann - may i call you ann? i'm someone you can trust, ann. i'm a movie producer. believe me, i am on the level, no funny business. please, sit down - please . please. singapore. on board ship he meets a mysterious girl. she's beautiful . she's fragile . haunted . yes! oh really? why is that? so you're interested? ann? i'm telling you, you're perfect - look at you! you're the saddest girl i ever met . you're gonna make `em weep, ann - you're gonna break their hearts! ann! miss darrow! please! ure. why - wait! you know him? what a writer, huh? and let me tell you ann, jack driscoll doesn't want just anyone starring in this picture. he said to me, "carl, somewhere out there is a woman born to play this role " and as soon as i saw you, i knew - it was always going to be you. not exactly . it's actually this one over here. is this all of the equipment? this is all of it? we're taking the bell and howell? good. you got all the lenses - you got the two and the six? yes - to mike and herb) get it on board, fellas. come on. who? englehorn! cast off! hoist up the mainsail - raise the anchor, whatever the hell it is you do - we gotta leave. what? who? english - please! i'll give you another thousand to leave right now. can we talk about this later. can't you see we're in the company of a vip guest? wonderful idea, thank you, preston. two thousand - it's a deal . will you take a cheque? jesus, jack - you scared me! what's this? this is a script? jack . this is fifteen pages. i'm supposed to be making a feature length picture. jack - no - you can't do this to me! i have a beginning but i need a middle and an end! i gotta have something to shoot. alright, fine. we might as well settle up. i'm not going to stiff a friend. how does two grand sound? thought it might. so i did . sorry about that let's start from the beginning. i'm sorry. let me just . it'll just take a second. alright . okay . i keep telling you, jack, there's no money in theatre. you're much better off sticking with film. o, you don't. knock knock! we can't have our leading lady deprived of the necessities of life. to preston) do me a favour - run a bottle down to jack. it'll fend off his migraine. you told him my typewriter is available for hire? jack has his heart set on coming. call me a softie - i couldn't say no. i don't care, mike! you're the sound recordist - make it work. lumpy! you heard the lady! ann, i don't believe you've met - wait a minute! ann - ann! stop! stop - right there - she's standing at the railing . she doesn't know it yet, but they're sailing towards disaster. you got that? ait a second, we're killing off the first mate? come on, jack! it was an honest mistake. ann is near-sighted - it could happen to anyone. the point is: she's horrified. she has to look away. and that's when she sees it. the island. jack, keep your voice down! i don't want the crew getting spooked. all right . it has a local name, but i'm warning you, jack, it doesn't sound good. there's nothing officially wrong with it. because technically it hasn't been discovered yet. all right everyone, from the top. and . action! cut! great! we're close. head south-west. 'll make it worth your while. hen you've nothing to lose. gentlemen please, we're not looking for trouble - yes . we are. we're gonna find skull island! we're gonna find it, film it and show it to the world. for twenty five cents you get to see the last blank space on the map! a lion or a tiger. a man-eater. that's how all these stories start. orry fellas, you'll have to do better than that. monsters belong in b movies! what's going on? hayes! why are we turning around? nother week - i haven't got a film yet. please - i have risked everything i have on this! what do you want? tell me what you want? i'll give you anything. i'm finished. it's over for me, jack. what? i don't know . what is it, a coffee stain? can you believe this, jack? . skull island! we got our picture! of course it's deserted. use your eyes, preston. the place is a ruin! nobody's lived here for hundreds of years. will handle this. t's alright - it's just a bunch of women and old folks . they're harmless. we got away. we gotta be grateful for that gentlemen. mike died doing what he believed in! he didn't die for nothing. and i'll tell you something else - i'm going to finish this film - for mike. bring the tripod - and all of the film stock. the wide angle will do just fine. over here. i wanna get a wide shot of the valley. low) walk forward, bruce. you're the star of this picture! get into character and head towards the animals. need you in the shot, or people will say they're fake. ou're making them nervous! no sudden movement. run jack! no!!! herb! come on! come on herb - i'm pulling you up. come on, hold on to your end. i'm not going anywhere without you! you're absolutely right, preston . and i'll tell you something else. herbert didn't die for nothing. he died for what he believed in and i'm gonna honour that. thank god. ey buddy! i'm outta the bowl! i'm drying off my wings and trekking across the lid! she's not dead. jack's gonna bring her back. isn't that what you do? live animal capture? i heard you were the best. sure thing, buddy! good luck! not yet . wait. to englehorn) bring him down! do it! drop the net! do it! no! i need him alive! wait! he whole world will pay to see this. we're millionaires, boys. i'll share it with all of you! in a few months his name will be up in lights on broadway! "kong - the eighth wonder of the world"! hank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! ladies and gentlemen, i am here to tell you a very strange story . a story of our adventure in which seventeen of our party suffered horrible deaths! their lives lost in pursuit of a savage beast, a monstrous aberration of nature! but even the meanest brute can be tamed. yes, ladies and gentlemen, as you will see, the beast was no match for the charms of a girl - a girl from new york . who melted his heart. bringing to mind that old arabian proverb . nd now ladies & gentlemen, i'm going to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld. he was a king in the world he knew but he comes to d you now . a captive! don't be alarmed, ladies and gentlemen. it is perfectly safe. these chains are made of chrome steel! dramatic) observe if you will, i am touching the beast! i am actually laying my hand on the twenty-five foot gorilla. lease remain calm, ladies and gentlemen - for we now come to the climax of this savage ritual . the sacrifice of a beautiful young girl! here's your story, boys - "beauty and the man who saved her from the beast". et him roar! it makes a swell picture!!! it wasn't the airplanes .