compliments of the chef - lambs brains in walnut sauce. doing it now, mr. hayes. i do. i do, mr. hayes, i do! look, i've been readin'. i borrowed it . no. you're looking for something else wall! there's a wall ahead!!! rocks to starboard . to port . rocks everywhere! captain! you'd better come up quick! why does marlow keep going up the river, why doesn't he turn back? it's not an adventure story - is it, mr. hayes. she went to her cabin. com'on mr. hayes, look at `em. none of them knows a which way to point a gun. miss darrow needs me! just keep walking, mr. hayes. pretend you didn't see me. defiant) hey! i need that! you were younger than me when they gave you one! is that what took miss darrow? so? we gotta find miss darrow. i'm not a coward - i ain't gonna run. i ain't gonna run. no! let him go! kill him! kill him! bring him down! mr hayes! no!