fancy some of me . ah . porridge aux walnuts? i would say they was full of it, mr. hayes. we turned south-west last night. i wouldn't be so sure of that. seven years ago, me and mr hayes - we were working our passage on a norwegian barque. his ship had run aground on an island, way west of sumatra. an island hidden in fog. he spoke of a huge wall, built so long ago - no one knew who had made it . a wall a hundred foot high . as strong today as it was, ages ago. the castaway - he spoke of a creature, neither beast nor man, but something monstrous, living behind that wall. nothing. we found him the next morning . he'd stuck a knife through his heart. christ! it's a bleeding bone yard! they've been ripped limb from limb. i'm knackered! i've gotta have a breather. bloody nora! there's only one creature capable of leaving a footprint that size . injured? four of us are dead!