you won't like it, it's non-alcoholic! it's not ethical! ho's gonna pay for the ship? red label, 80% proof - packed in a crate marked "lemonade". she doesn't want to be in this picture. but we're not shooting in singapore. he`s unavailable. mae west?! no! she has to be a size four! ou gotta get a girl who'll fit maureen's costumes. es she is, but she is doing a picture with rko. we gotta delay the shoot - shut production down . we can't sail tonight! carl! they're on their way. i've just had word. men in uniform. the studio called the cops! why don't i show miss darrow to her cabin? miss darrow, if you'd just - hi, my name is preston, carl's assistant. please, follow me. if there's anything that you need . `excuse me fellas, if there's anything that you need please don't hesitate to . ask . your cabin's just down here, mr. baxter. may i say how excited we are to have you back with us, sir. let me get the door for you - welcome to your state room sir. i hope you find it to your liking. it's quite comfortable. your towels and linens are underneath the bed. that is the wash basin. i know, that's not a pleasant smell - is it? i'm sure it'll disperse in a day or two. they're still trying to find a place for him to sleep. isn't that one of maureen's costumes? what do you mean? why did they build the wall? what else did he say? it's deserted . what about mike? he didn't get away - he's still there! it's not your fault. what happened to herb - it's no ones fault. drop the bridge! do it now, for chrissakes! no carl . he was right . i've no idea. i heard he offered her all kinds of money and she turned him down flat.