get him away from me-
-i don't know either one a' you.
-the police: they attacked.
i just put my boys down for the first time in two days. i can't wake `em and sure as hell can't be gone if they stir on their own.
when my wife's jaw was shot off in front of our sons? my sons who sat with her while she bled to death? couldn't speak because she didn't have the bottom of her face and i wasn't home and my baby boys are destroyed for life and my five year- old had a box of band-aids in his hand when i finally got home?
kill everyone that had something to do with this. everyone related to them. everyone who knew them. and all you'd be doing is their recruiting for them.  it's an entire generation: not small and isolated like they say. but a generation that thinks what they did to my wife, to my children, is a "calling".
-notice how it wouldn't take a lot to disguise your friend as a mexican? think he couldn't handle crossing our deserts? look around!
-what do you know about what my kids need? what they saw? what the rest of their lives might be like?
tomorrow it'll be somebody else's wife.
kingdom 8. 18. 06 20.
kingdom 8. 18. 06 21.
kingdom 8. 18. 06 34.
kingdom 8. 18. 06 53.
i saw him.
kingdom 8. 18. 06 77.
kingdom 8. 18. 06 88.
kingdom 8. 18. 06 102.
kingdom 8. 18. 06 112.
kingdom 8. 18. 06 113.