i already know the answer, but any chance in hell we get to go over there, use our hands? the refinery. ras tenura refinery. yup. any rumors or confirmations of uniforms being used in the other two attacks? if it is hamza, he's definitely turning up the volume over there. not to beat a dead horse, sir, but if there was ever a time to get boots on saudi sand. well. i guess he's gonna go get us some access. how's he gonna do that? what was fran manner to her? fran didn't get bounced for that? how? what did sac fleury whisper in your ear this morning? what can four people do in five days? really? i meant the fbi. i didn't mean "me." what's it like on the ground? israeli stamp in my passport? i don't like camels. who's "they?" you alright, girl? just asking. how could they get more secure? i thought the sang were soldiers-- hit a water main? a little high. watt-tee fuck is his gun doing up so high? are the shooters in-custody- how about we get into those american suburbans. with their american a. c. suweidi? -c'mon now. this is insane: we got enough security to invade suweidi, let alone that building- big wall. how many princes are there? who pays for all this? hey, man - i drive a hybrid. what's a raptor? super. she's not trying to be funny. the coalition. these are all countries with troops in iraq -- japanese and italian embassies are under construction? you really ought not look at this. keep it real. you ever drink pbr, haytham? think so- janet. my dreams are. what did he whisper to you? in the briefing . to get you to stop crying about fran. before any of this. before we even got airborne? what did he say to you? do you remember?