he has answered the question. he's telling the truth. look at me, haytham. you saved lives today. i believe that. you served your country. i believe that. i believe that, haytham. you will have your revenge for what needed to be done to assure them you weren't involved. i know the general. i attended his interrogation of one of my men. the general does not have investigative experience. colonel al-ghazi. your two fallen comrades, mr. manner and mr. burr. passports and credentials. please. thank you to keep these on whenever you are outside of al-rahmah. that is not our concern. i'm also to collect your sidearms. if each of you would please get into the middle vehicle. i have been there only once. i spent four days at quantico. i saw your michael jordan play for the washington wizards. yes. but your team cannot work nights. five days. and you are not safe at night. watch it-slow! we don't know. we don't know that either. not yet. we're trying. no one who was close enough to see the things we would like to know, lived. 47 of my `brother-officers' were blown into hundreds of pieces that will take months to collect. 80,000 officers total, across the country, at four uniforms apiece. thousands of people who can sew forgeries. apologies that i don't have definitive answers. you're still not working nights. the bathrooms are through that door. i will be here tomorrow morning so we can begin. sunrise. when i knock. that there are more rules than just not working at night. you are here as observers. not investigators. --i need to make sure the sites are secure. then you can begin observing. i am sorry for the time. you won't need you gear. the remaining rules: you cannot touch evidence, question anyone without me present, touch muslim dead, or leave my sight at anytime: your safety is my primary concern. and you would be mistaken. the national guard's military police brigade is conducting the investigation. my orders begin and end with your health. --the bombers didn't wear a soldier's uniform. they wore mine. general abdul-malik. he's given us permission to walk through each crime-scene. i am not. there is no lack of clarification. this is not a game show, mr. fleury! there are no deals made here. there is me telling you what you may or may not do and there is you doing it. you will be permitted to walk through the crime scenes. when we have determined that it is safe. about one hour into the rescue. no -- from the tanks of this fire engine: that's the water that didn't evaporate in the blast. i understand that. no. this vehicle was stolen. two drivers murdered. a team outside the blast-radius. shooting at anything. everyone. sergeant haytham ended this part. security is a combination of the police and military. not yet. we will check certain neighborhoods. it is likely that the four men prayed at the same mosque. yes. if the mosque is in suweidi. why? that is true. it's outside the walls- -no you don't. any answer will take- it's cleared with general abdul- malik. we have five minutes here. that is not true. -report me then when you get in- touch with the general- no blood. five minutes. the man who did this is a saudi - this place, this neighborhood. if foreigners were up here, someone would say something. nobody's talking. here, many people love hamza - they think of him like bin laden. like your robin hood. a man who thinks of something like this . while maybe his family played around him. scares me more than i have words to express. shaytan. we break now: too hot to work outdoors. then we will leave for the palace. i had televisions delivered to your quarters to pass the downtime. miss mayes will not attend this evening. men only. we're here. it's a big palace. over 5000. some get bigger. the prince will ask you about your flight, the accommodations. lite subjects. if he offers you the chance to hold his raptors, don't flinch: it's a compliment. every investigator on-scene by midnight, 50 more portable lights, three more pumps- the rules still stand. but tomorrow will be a new day. from now on, any evidence you find you hand over. i'm "all ears," special agent fleury. they had no identification on them. fingerprints and dental have come up empty. no problem. the gardener. we know who he is. he's on several watch lists. we will very soon. these are always the easy ones to catch. rarely does it lead to the planners. i want to take you somewhere. to someone who may be able to help us catch hamza. it was an american. an engineer named karl twitchell. hired by saudi arabia to find water. he didn't find so much as a dried oasis, but he found this. enough oil to turn the earth. they say my country sits on over 1 trillion more barrels of recoverable oil. a trillion reasons to keep fighting. for both sides of this war. i think our oil has begun destroying more than it creates. i'm 46 years-old. i have three daughters. and i find myself in a place where i no longer care about `why' we are attacked. i only care that 100 people woke up a few mornings ago had no idea it was their last. when we catch the man who murdered these people, i don't care to ask even one question. i just want to kill him. stop him. do you understand? faris. at one time, talal was arafat's senior bomb-maker and planner in the occupied territories. he joined bin-laden when al qaeda brought the fight to the royal family. he turned himself in last year during an amnesty. he's now part of a new government effort to balance the experience of saudi youth. if america figures out a way of keeping their kids off the computers please let us know. `you only come after i see there were bombs. did you know bin laden put 5 million-dollars on my head? why shouldn't it be 10?' the man who made war on al-rahmah is someone my age -- this kind of skill is learned over decades. a man who can plan the mass-murder of women and children, then go home at night to his own and sleep soundly? that kind of man is supremely difficult to catch. because he hasn't stopped. you stop when their faces don't let you close your eyes. 17 days without sleep will make you quit anything. he says he makes my job easier. here, at least they only fight and kill on computers. he says that there are several ways to get american military equipment like this detonator but not many men in saudi arabia that know how to get them. usually smuggled from iraq by corrupt soldiers working with the americans. without question. yes, he could. prayer. luck. handshakes. his hands will feel like this. every amir at some point gets bitten by his work. the ambulance was reported stolen from king fahd hospital last wednesday, three days before the bombing. there's more: i told you it wouldn't be hard to find the soldiers. the stolen ambulance had a twenty man crew that rotated shifts on it. we checked all twenty men. one of them, muaath hazmi is now of interest to us. because this gentleman is fathi hazmi, muaath's brother. i'm going to show you. neighbors clear? activity or communication? allahuakbar. go. i'm not looking for prints. i'm looking for fingers. -the front gates of every other western housing compound in riyadh. and embassies: italy, japan, korea, norway, england. the entire diplomatic quarter is being retro-fitted to sustain bigger bomb blasts. i'm sorry. what men? yes, you will. religious demonstration in progress. back near the city center. what? tighten up- this is not right! down! you know suweidi -- you know how to go fast. a tunnel networks through all these places. they use attached civilian apartments, innocent families. inside! is everyone alright? it's okay. let me help you up, old man. give me your hands! hamza. i got you. abu hamza, you are under arrest. i am no traitor to my god. you are.