everyone's terrified, so nothing moves. paralysis. you and your team aren't going anywhere. and this meeting is just a circle- jerk, ronnie: attorney general young's going to go through the motions because protocol says we get an appeal. we'll be on record, but expect nothing more. can you handle this? keep your mouth shut when people way above you say things you'll hate? what about agent mayes? what about you? i apologize if we're late- you know special agent fleury? this is agent janet mayes, she's one of our arabic experts. as we are about rex burr. we would just like to be on record as saying we think we should go i see the look in your eyes. that look is trouble: old school, play ground shit, vengeance. it ain't justice. it's stronger. we've all been there. i have. vengeance is always dirty, ronnie. what? that's good coaching. how you gonna do it? few more moves and it's total war, ronnie. the only time treason is palatable is when it's done righteously and completely. good afternoon, sir. senators? then i'd change `outmoded' to `outdated,' `echelons' to `ranks' and what in god's name is `contretemps?' these guys aren't the best and brightest- -but you can say `fucking?' you're going to the senate select committee, but not to the president who appointed you. why's that? i bet the president wasn't the audience you thought he'd be: i'll bet he realized you can't have voters asking why the second- longest serving fbi director gets fired for doing his job, for sending agents into saudi arabia, seven months from mid-term elections- i do. westmoreland made all us officers write our own obituaries during tet, when it looked like the cong were going to end it all right there. once we clued-in that life was finite, the loss of it no longer scared us: the end comes no matter what, it's just a question of how you want to go out: on your feet or on your knees. after that, we went out and pulled triggers until barrels melted. and vietnam lasted another seven years. the lesson extends to this career: i act, knowing the end of this job will come, no matter what. you should do the same. i'll forward fleury's reports. we're going to testify next tuesday. fleury's going first. i'm gonna go through it with each of you one on one in advance - make sure we're all on the same page. if they ask if we've talked about this, the answer is unequivocally "no." ok? you did outstanding work over there. i'm proud of you. you hold your heads high. ronnie, you ready?