they were early. i do. ok. the latest. go on. let us never forget how cheap life is over there. now. i have seven minutes before my next meeting, so who's talking first? you two digested the memo? it's all rock-solid logic. that's not going to happen -so as we present this to the public, let's - as best we can - try to view this through an fbi agent's eyes. and please let me know if there's anything else we can do for you. pardon me? it's some variation on vengeance. when one of your own is killed, agents lose their analytical powers - kind of a greatest strength, greatest weakness thing. that was spirited. let's all thank god special agent fleury doesn't make policy decisions. he'd turn the fbi into patton's third army. `sunlight is indeed the most powerful disinfectant. in that spirit i come before this judiciary committee with a painful admission. simply: i've lost all confidence in the fbi, especially it's uppermost echelon. entrenched and outmoded, the leadership has shown itself fearful of the pioneering thought this committee and i have tried to imbue. it is thus an agency at contretemps, hindering our every effort.' and by `committee' i mean the fucking senate select committee -never take the lord's name in vain in this office- -you really want to bet?