from the craters, looks like they used a high explosive. possibly military grade: can't fit that much tnt into a vest. 20, 30 pounds of petn: they got it. semtex or c-4: they could get it. the third there, god knows. that crater looks like a plane dropped a 500-pounder. this is how they do it. that's `worst case scenario' if you're still asking for my stab, sir. a crew who can build bombs this big, with this level of eyes- on control and detonation coordination. has access to saudi uniforms now. i mean. baby jesus. he taught her how to shoot, she taught him most everything else. celebrated graduation at the ihop in-town until some townie called janet something. something not very nice. townie didn't see fran coming outta the head. but he definitely felt fran's uppercut shatter his jaw. sac fleury took care of him. if i knew how i'd be sac sykes. i do know the post in riyadh was part of the deal fleury cut to save fran's career. aren't you the one who demanded to go this morning? mars. go easy on my kin. what's going on in there? feels like you got a beast in there, fleury. "good" is 6:00 am sunday morning when your kid climbs into your bed, buries himself into you. sun's creeping through the windows - soft. birds and wind-chimes. that's "good." i think you're not entirely clear right now. that's ok, but you got to know that. you want to go - we go. i got you, but you got to check yourself. ok. i'm just checking that you checked. and i usually just toss it on the kitchen table. you have portable lights on-scene? we only have seven days: we work around the clock. we're safe during the day? you interviewed witnesses? were any of the uniformed bombers brother-officers? do you know yet? that's against fire code. slow roll. gonna be like when you go deep sea fishing in florida and you pay seven hundred bucks for the boat and you sit in the ocean for hours and the crew jumps around and screams and points and you think your constantly about to bag a marlin but you never do and they keep pointing and jumping and- hole is the case. see, there's "evidence" down in that hole. you understand evidence? little things that are "clues." clues can be very helpful to a fella when he's trying to solve a crime. glad to hear it. so can we get in there? general motors, ford, chevrolet. that was impressive. yeah. maybe. i mean, you can only play the "i'm going to the press card" like three more times. so, maybe. that's dead on accurate. very impressive. that's why they're making it hard on us, and that's why he wants to help `em turn the screws. fellas, what we want to do is get this water out of here. see what's really going on. understand? c-vin hunting--data plates-- something drivable blew up. that's pretty obvious. feels like anfo to me, boys--ammonium nitrate fuel oil. let's dry this hole and see if we can't figure what she was. gotta pump? got to get a little dirty, people. crawl up in it. make deep contact. you get that? get nasty, dirty, filthy. here. who has the keys? whatever this is, it blasted-off like nasa. `high-order explosion' doesn't do it justice: what's left a' this looks like it was put through a wood-chipper. do you know this hospital? call it in. we never get to do anything fun. that's not funny. i'm a very good shot. prints are on the other side. i'm thinking about going straight to dan's, gonna order six pbrs- any beer? now. that's just unreasonable. good police work and problem drinking are like a chicken and egg thing: which enables the other? i'm serious. beer will open up your subconscious. canned beer especially. give you instincts they can't teach- can't release-