yeah, so. did they all happen during daylight? we had two others. north of riyadh and the oil thing. what was that? yeah, south of jeddah. same thing: daylight, suicide bombers. right? same thing. followed by machine gun crews. collect and kill. they can't afford to appear as if they are losing any kind of control. they lose control over their country, their people. then they risk losing control over the oil. they won't let us in. no way. i'll be fine. al qaeda lost the first phase of this war, so a new, zero-sum phase has begun: if you won't join us, we'll let loose the truly talented murderers. abu hamza. he will kill so many of you that the resulting humiliation of the saudi royal family will cause an exodus, a rebellion, both. because the royal family simply cannot protect you or yours any longer. --the operational commander who organizes, trains, plans, encourages. that is who we're fighting. oh, i'm in. not a question. i'm definitely going. `grant's age is a liability.' i'll be looked at with what i can only describe as disdain, pretty much the entire time we're on the ground. kind of like south virginia. it's a very confused culture. extremely religious. had nothing; wanted nothing. sixty years ago, they hit oil. simple religious men become trillionaires. a schizophrenic nation is born. the royal family, who we back, and everyone else. we brought our own. wouldn't need the power a' prayer if there were 2 hands on the wheel. --shhhh. that's one of the great horrors of television: crime scene manipulation. they say a tv camera adds pounds to actresses. isn't that what they say? that is what they say. doesn't add to crime scenes. television cameras shrink them. misrepresent. no smells. poor sound. limited view. tv always makes them look smaller. you can't feel the hatred on television. they don't have fire codes. they don't have codes other than codes of war. they'll lock us in and dial up some kind of earth movers if they want to. you know that, sykes. dig a big hole and push us in. fill it up and no one comes calling. you're in the jungle now, baby. watch it, boy. unpack. good. check. he or she almost made it. makes me think of the trade centers -- the people on the floors above the impacts -- no matter how fast or strong or smart you are, if you're in the wrong spot, `it' will not let you get away. good news is that if he shoots you, he's gonna shoot you sitting on an american tank. with an american- made bullet. so, it's kind of "all in the family." the same mosque is enough to identify them, link them to a cell? suweidi is a known militant stonghold. al-qaeda could recruit from storefronts. this is the kind of radical circumstance that could have seriously upped shaq's free throw percentages. take a man. ship him off to riyadh. no phones, constant threat of death, no girls, no hip hop. nothing. just free throws. shaq, he'd be shooting at least seventy percent. lakers would still be together. kobe and shaq lovers forever. tell me it didn't burst-tell me it didn't burst- sykes, i'm guessing you don't even remember how to load your gun. i'm sure. yeah. i pulled so much it's hard to remember it all. yes. yeah. sure. -the prince's convoy just showed. we're out of here. don't stare too long. it'll start living in your dreams. -pabst? adam! what -- what are they doing? i do not like these people. adam?! sykes is going to kick your ass. it's okay little one. thank you, lieutenant haytham.