this is my fredricksburg house and my grandma ruth playing with my skateboard ramp. it's a tony hawk jump ramp. mick? this is me at my second birthday party with my mom and my dad. that's my cake. this is me with my mom at the zoo and this is my dad and me and my grandpa willie. and this is me and my dad and my grandpa willie at my dad's office. this is me and my dad playing battleship at my dad's apartment. mick? my parents are divorced. but that's ok `cause the most important thing is to know that everybody loves each other. that's my fish, his name is jaws and he's a really mean fish. my mommy is a think tank worker and she is really, really smart. she went to two colleges and has three computers. this is the day that my daddy says is the happiest day of his life. dad? we're gonna do ceramics. who was that? uncle fran? put peanuts in his coke so he could drink and eat all at the same time? what happened? you gonna go see him? daddy? i'm talking to you. what are you doing right now, daddy? right now? where are you? did you see big fran? is he still tall? daddy? are you still there? you, too daddy. bye, daddy. you stop the people that hurt uncle fran? did you get the bad guys, daddy? there's a lot of bad people out there. aren't there, daddy? what?