four fbi agents will be allowed to land at prince sultan air base this evening. general abdul-malik, chief of investigative services for the national guard has been put in- charge of solving this crime. attackers wore your uniform. police uniforms. some of your men may have been involved with this cell, may still be involved. you're lucky to have a role at all. and your role will be critically important: make sure the americans leave our country as alive as when they arrive. five days they will be our guests. understood? this is our level of commitment to bringing terrorists to justice: we've invited american legal officials into our kingdom despite current difficulties between the us and islam. they will observe our advanced investigative techniques, offering helpful hints. you will please honor me with your presence tonight at my home. yes. his talons slice bone. that's my most prolific hunter. i'm trying to teach his friends there by example, but i fear it's something you're born with or not. do you agree, mr. ronald? innate or not at all? what have you seen so far of our kingdom? -- and know i can arrange tours anywhere within our borders. colonel al-ghazi, a word. only in death will our enemies realize allah never permits defiance of his almighty will.