i sure can. that was december 4th and that was the day that we spent the whole day in the hospital waiting for this guy right here to come out of kevin's mom's tummy. and we waited and waited but he wouldn't come and we kept waiting and finally the doctor said `ok. he's not gonna come out on his own so we got to go get him.' and well, can i tell this story? they started to pull and pull and pull. they had something in there and it started coming and they were pulling and the doctor all of the sudden said "stop!" they stopped pulling and the doctor looked up at me and said `hey, mr. fleury - you ready to have your world rocked?' and i just stared at her and she pulled this little head up out of that belly. and it was him. his head. and i looked down at him and screamed "kevin!!" and he looked down at me and screamed "daddy!!" fran? hey, i'm at kevin's school. what's goin' on? where exactly? how? when? fran, i'm rollin' right now. let me call you back: i gotta ring bells son, i gotta go to work. i gotta go to work. big fran -- you remember him? where he's from in south carolina that's called fine-dining, bud. something bad. i love you. i'm gonna try. can you get a ride? numbers so far: 100+ dead, 200+ injured. the target was a softball game. rumor is the killers wore saudi police uniforms. special agent fran manner was killed. so was rex burr from state. fran was the best among us. we'll feel this loss the rest of our days. grant, take stabs at bomb sizes. obviously a secondary blast after the initial devices used to lure first responders to the scene. don't know anything about where or what it was yet. if you already know the answer adam, why ask the question? this is not new in concept. it is new in scope. it's bigger. very sophisticated. command and control was flawless. they found the largest kill zone they could and they did it. they did it by being patient. from the state department, one hour ago: `we are in agreement with the saudi security assessment that any additional american presence on kingdom soil represents reckless risk. therefore it is the secretary of state's position that only after the situation has been evaluated and contained, should the federal bureau of investigation activate rapid deployment.' the national security advisor and the attorney general agreed. i'm going to get us access. keep your go bags hot. it's gonna come fast. yeah, sure. no problem. ask her. two suicide bombers. rumors they were dressed as saudi police. we believe this is the work of saudi terrorist named abu hamza. a shooter crew served as distraction. after the initial attack there was a lull to allow saudi emergency teams. and our own attaches. to collect. then a secondary blast was triggered, aimed at those first responders. so they targeted families and rescuers with one attack. i think that's a clear signal that their definition of `enemy' is expanding. sir, how would you imagine it looks viewed through an fbi agents eyes? i'm interested in how you think this situation is viewed through our eyes. if i wanted vengeance, i'd have whispered `rex burr' into ellis's ear right when we walked in. this isn't terrorism, ma'am. it's just serial murder. to call this massacre an act of terrorism. that implies a specific political agenda. to me, these killings are so futile and unbalanced that they feel utterly sociopathic- more like charles manson than osama bin laden. when she says talented, she's not talking about the walking-bombs who can sneak past any and all security, nor the hi-jackers tough enough to take an airliner. we're talking about the man who teaches them how. if we don't get inside saudi arabia within 36 hours, there is no chance we catch the killer responsible for al-rahmah. none. to not engage these criminals out of fear for our personal safety is just another way of saying `uncle.' i'll say it another way: evidence starts to go cold after twenty four hours. if we can't get in now, we will not find the man or men responsible for this crime. we couldn't do it at khobar; we couldn't do it in yemen; we have barely scratched the surface in iraq. and we are on verge of not doing it here. they are getting stronger, we are getting weaker. i just lost a very good friend and i would very much like to go and do my job. it's not vengeance. i just can't sit this out. i can't watch this not get dealt with. not again. know what my high school football coach used to say to me? "hit something." all night long, coach bailey would scream "hit something." every play. i'm fixing to go hit something, boss. you with me? the saudis covet good pr as much as their oil: 15 of 19 hijackers on 9- 11 means most americans will never stop asking if that saudi oil is worth it. it's all about press. what's your take? white house call you with a spin? how hard you gonna hit the royal family in your column tomorrow? with the bombings? or other things. i know you're tracking al haramain. sometimes. seems that just might happen. we got some other stuff: missing girls out of a houston four seasons hotel that was heavily populated by some "saudi officials." little things. i'm not saying that. i need a favor. when it's real and it will be real. i'll come to you with what we have first. it's yours. exclusive. you call thamer at the embassy. tell him that the fbi is getting real close to laying out some major saudi vip indictments relating to newly uncovered charity financing out of a boston investment firm. we're gonna freeze a lot of saudi cash and roll out some major embarrassment. it's a free world, baby. ask him to comment. tell him that i'm running the investigation. tell him that i'm not the nicest kid on the block. i want fifteen minutes with him tonight. i come to you first. no one else. i'm just trying to do my job, elaine. that's it. call thamer. get back in. too many people we both know were at the bar. it's a pleasure to meet you, your highness. she can be a bit of an exaggerator. i'm sure things were somewhat over-stated. i see myself as friend of saudi arabia. i just need a little cooperation, that's all. full cooperation: my team cleared to land at prince sultan air base. tomorrow. we want to help in a very muscular way, quickly. this goes one of two ways. first: the fbi with the white house go on the kind of aggressive pr "saudi royal family decaying monarchy" bender that just can't help but hurt. really hurt. and i don't care how many chinese are lined up to buy the oil. you know it's gonna hurt. and then we bring the hammer down hard as hell: bust al haramain - we got direct links from riyadh - two wives donating ten million to three arab-american cultural centers in boston. then what gets kind of not- funny is how some of that cash found its way to jakarta and some mosques that have these training camps built right next to them. it's kinda funny. you got little kids playing over here, and some not so little kids playing with guns over here. that's kinda odd. we're getting there, sir. and i haven't even brought up the two girls still missing out of houston. this is big. it is real. and i know you only care so much about public american opinion, sir. but the story will be covered. big. and this ain't the metro section. it's above the fold, just below the date. words like these get syndicated to papers like the omaha world-herald, the terrell tribune -- you ever been to terrell, texas? last i heard, 112 people lost their lives in your country. one of them was a good friend of mine. i want in and i want in immediately. right now immediately. -4. with a 25-man security detail- that's too bad. men in saudi police uniforms are why we're talking now. whose hands? -seven-day or work-week? i'm good. i'm good i'm ok. you don't think i'm ok? i'm checked. how we doing? they gonna let us land? good. hunting. big game hunting. heads on a swivel. special agent ronald fleury. if somebody was tailing us it'd be obvious. this is just standard operating speed. colonel, have you ever been to the us? you don't know what you missed. you should have seen him play for our chicago bulls. colonel, do you believe abu hamza was responsible for this attack? were saudi police involved in the attack? any word on what that third big blast was? you don't know the source of the blast, don't know if your own officers were involved, but you won't let us work nights? what time is sunrise? hey. how are you? how's my boy? i'm here. lemme talk to my boy. what did the prince say? what rules? that's not accurate-- who is in charge of the investigation then? to walk through? are you kidding me? get him over here now and let's clarify this situation. there sure as hell is! i don't know what kind of game you're playing but you got the wrong guy, colonel al-ghazi! that was not the deal- how have you guys been doing with the witnesses? why saudi arabia? so has everyone else now. two nights back. can you start one second before you knew anything was wrong? so you really didn't see anything. she live with her husband? if i'm facing your house, is the jackson home to the right or left? mr. aaron jackson? -easy, sir. he's a friend to us- i'm special agent ronald fleury of the fbi. this is colonel al-ghazi with the saudi state police- can i come back? your boys. to ask about two nights ago. i won't pretend to know. up the street, there was a wreck, did you see any- aaron- can we tour the compound? can we please do that? well, in order to video, in order to observe, you need a view. formed the plan up here: saw everything he could hit. way too pretty a' plan to have been fully hatched on just one visit. he came here a couple times. two big answers in two small minutes. imagine if we had a couple days together. i'm sure the general is good guy. and i'm just as sure he's no investigator. let me help you. and i imagine that will run until sundown? they all get palaces this big? i do. i've seen that the man who planned the worst crime in your kingdom's history is without a doubt saudi. and that if you walk 300 kilometers from the compound, you will find a rooftop where the attacks were planned. i've seen that the person in this room "born with it" is right there. everything i just said came from colonel al-ghazi: his observations of the scene while he was protecting us. and i think you're absolutely right sir: that kind of instinct can't be taught: not to falcons. definitely not to sang generals. innate or not at all. you want the murder to stop as much as i do. let us help. think it will work? they're paranoid and overly self- protective. they can have every shred of credit- yeah. yeah. have you been to the crime-scene? -if you had, you'd see the evil work of real talent. the kind that doesn't stop until it's forced. you having fun? by catching abu hamza. do me a favor and tell janet that she and damon schmidt got a date when he gets back to the states. we should start with the dead shooters. can we photograph all three of them? couple hundred copies each. good. if it's ok with you, i'd like to suggest we split up as follows. have him pass these out to the compound security. see if anybody knows them. would you mind doing one more thing for me? could you tell me if you recognize any of these men? where? what about the others? what, the liza minelli shirt? what was odd? yeah. thank you. that's one of the many things we're trying to find out. how are your sons? that's the name of a clinical psychologist. works with embassy kids. apparently very good at explaining violence- i thought maybe your boys. without their mom anymore. might ask you why sometime. i will find the man responsible for the death of your wife. we're close. then tomorrow i'll come back. we know where he lives? you don't seem very excited. where? a trillion reasons for our leaders to hold hands another one hundred years. agreed. yes, i do. is your first name `colonel?' ok. shouldn't we arrest him or shoot him or something? this place is community service? why did he turn himself in? how does he know he slept soundly? is that why you quit? how do we find him? well, i think i get the `prayer' and `luck' parts. what you got? why? where's muaath? he's gone. this shrapnel look like the stuff you pulled at the morgue? bolts? wing nuts? razor blades? this is bullshit. you know it. meaningless. there's no leader here. these are kids. that's it. yes, that's it. smile for the cameras, body-bag some children. wrap it up, but us -- out. i get it. you need water? you do? how did you know we were here? -ellis leach? we didn't win shit, schmidt. these are teenagers. children with pictures that someone far senior has provided them. hello? yes, sir. we're all here and healthy. i'm sitting next to their corpses but this may not be over. these don't feel like anything resembling senior leadership- -thank you sir. i do. please do me one favor before we board: warn every `coalition-of-the- willing' or whatever the hell we're calling our iraq allies now, that pictures of their riyadh embassies were found in this cell's safe- house. what do you think? yeah. i'm thinking about new york - february 26, 1993. the first time they tried to hit the trade towers. remember how we caught that cell? four hundred dollars. for four hundred dollars, he was caught. stupidity. catching the cell was easy. just like this. the cell came back. i'll be back. is he responding to the call? dropped back. you whole? gun! hands up -- you're gonna fall- get down! rpg! we go in the front door. haytham - cover the stairs. janet - hallway. watch the side doors. watch your backs. is allah on the other side of that door? everybody ok? don't. drop it, son. please. you got him. you got him. you got him. yeah. yeah, there are. but you want to know something? You're not one of them.