bree -- hi -- come in, come in. hi. come in. i was just catching up some work -- mocking up the photographs. i used to be a photographer myself - bree tell you? -- before i got in the publishing. well bree, maybe you'd rather -- how's it been? with me bree it's eternally the same. toward you. i guess you know that. i've always respected bree. i'd like to make something clear. i'd like to make something clear. i don't go after a girl; a girl comes to me. her choice. right? two years ago? sorry. look -- dad -- i may stand better with the cops than you. ok, a family matter. between the girls. i had two other cows -- -- two other girls besides bree. ok and one of them jane mckenna -- she blows a little jealous of bree - you know? -- bree comes first? and evidently she knew the freak --- that he was a dumper -- she conned me into passing him to bree, you know, so bree'd get hurt. i didn't know. till afterwards. you don't tell them. that one of their own in-laws laid a dumper on them? peace in the family. beyond that, i don't know. all she wrote. would i be telling you all this? she copped out long ago. she committed suicide baxter. that's right. this other girl's got a very big apartment, big, plenty of room. look, it's not necessarily how it looks, right? it's -- klute, let's handle it like grownups? i mean we're all grown up now, right? -- we all respect each other, you know what i mean? -- i respect you, bree respects you -- you could say, it just didn't work out between you and she. but you got to respect her too -- you know, her best interests, best for her -- hey, i'm gonna get you dropped.