klute. with a k. k - l - u - town police. i know tom grunemann. we grew up together. kids. no. no. everybody's got some, i guess. no. it looks like he sent her quite a few of those holly -- the girl -- she recalls six or seven letters like -- miss daniel? my name is klute -- john klute -- can i talk to you? my name's john klute. i'm an investigator. i'd like to ask you some questions about tom grunemann. tom grunemann. he wrote you some letters. he was a research engineer at the tuscarora laboratories in pennsylvania. he disappeared from there last april. i've been hired to look for him. you know what i'm talking about. miss daniel. will you let me ask you some questions? mm. mm. that's a lot of people to die unknown. i want to know how tom grunemann got mixed up in it. did she talk about him to you? has she talked with you since prison? i think she's trying that. klute watches in that direction a moment longer. in his expression a certain curiosity -- a prurience -- but rather more strongly, disappointment, a measure of disgust. not his affair. he turns away from it, into camera, and -- no, i'm look -- could i ask some questions? -- tom, again. company outing or picnic or something like that. -- tuscarora -- what? what do you remember about that -- dumper? but you can't say that dumper was tom grunemann. what about everything since? everything that's happened since tom grunemann disappeared. the phone calls and the -- what about the other things you've reported? -- -- being followed on the -- is that how you get most of your dates? someone gives your name to someone else? is that how you met the dumper? -- someone else gave -- how else do you meet them? pimps? i have some names the police gave me. frank ligourin. will you tell me what -- what about the old gentleman the other night, mr. faber? tell me about frank ligourin. when? when did you and ligourin break up? mind not doing that? -- ok? no thanks. i don't want you to look up. there's someone on the skylight. easy -- pretend you're looking here- -- here. now i'm going to walk around -- you just keep talking, straight through, straight through. tell me about acting -- what are you doing tomorrow -- where do you go? rounds, what are they? -- don't watch me, keep talking. i couldn't get him. it's all right. what do you think? maybe, if you tell me the things you haven't. do you know where he got the dumper? well, let's go down and ask him. is that what you gave him? i've just got a few -- i'm looking for a man. tom grunemann. bree thinks he may have been the dumper -- that call she had two years ago. she says you sent her on it. they tell me you use narcotics. could i bring someone around to look at your arms? she told me. why didn't you tell bree, afterwards? i'd like to talk with jane mckenna. no. it didn't go anywhere. but that's not why -- it was jane mckenna who sent you the dumper. you said you wanted these. you told me what you could. i guess i'm through with your part of it. i don't see anything, do you? try some other ways. and i don't think that was tom. no, i said what did you think. well -- yeah, you got to me. oh. no. not that way. i'd say it was more -- i don't know -- -- too bad? pathetic? it's kind of late. not much point to this, is there? mm. bree -- thanks -- i don't want to. thanks. you asked if there was anything more you could help me with. i've checked the records of jane mckenna's death -- i can't get anything special. but frank ligourin had another girl you said, besides mckenna and you. did she and jane mckenna know each other? then maybe arlyn page knew the dumper too. you could help me find her. you know the people. i'll pay you a hundred dollars. don't worry. i'm not looking for her personally - someone she might know about. do you know where she went? have you heard from her recently? have you heard from her recently? do you know where she went from here? was she living with a man? what's the matter? if arlyn page is living with tom grunemann -- but if it's someone else i do. we'll go. just something you could tell us, first. do you remember his name? what can you tell me about him? it's important. can you give me any more description than that? i believed her, pete. i believed her: the dumper was not tom grunemann. it's where it doesn't get me. i've got nothing left that connects to anything. i better keep looking. i could try arlyn page again. she saw much more of the dumper than bree daniel. it's got to make sense some way. how is it back there? arlyn page was probably an alias. she went by the names terry arlyn and june price. she may have been from pittsburgh, someone told me. i can give you a list of people who knew her, if that would help to -- is he claiming the body? yeah, what? -- you've got to get up. i looked it up. yeah. i thought you ought to know, arlyn page is dead. the same as jane mckenna. the next few weeks i would like to know where you are all the time. just let me know when you are going out and where -- how can you do it to yourself? ligourin: how could you do it? you're right, i don't understand. explain it to me. you were scared. arlyn page, that scared you. well it should; that's death. so what did you do, you ran straight for it, death. ligourin kills women. no, no you're right, i'm sorry. he uses women; he lets them kill themselves. is that how you want it? no, you can find some other way. explain it to me. bree, show me any sense to -- it's been a full day. we did this before. i don't like getting splashed. --- bree --- go back to sleep. my bed. mm. yup. four ninety-seven, jane mckenna i thought there'd be more. i don't know. it looks familiar to me. but what reason could he have? what possible reason? i knew tom never wrote that letter. i never could believe that tom was a split personality. i never believed he was a dumper; and i don't believe he disappeared of his own volition; and i don't believe he's alive. i don't believe tom's alive. but why? why? yes, mr. cable's office, please. i'll be sending you on a report tonight. it's not so bad. would you like to know what's in it? the report. i think tom grunemann's dead. i've been a lot of places - i've asked a lot of people. i've found no proof he's around. i've found no proof he was ever around. he could've been murdered. no. they never did, really. but that's what i'm going to recommend. the next step. unless something -- it's in the report. i wanted to give it to you first. all right. goodbye, pete. he was always at their house on holidays. tom and holly always had him, over on holidays. tom felt sorry for him - his whole life was work. tom felt sorry for him. yeah. what am i supposed to say? well, here's your gold star. what? i was wondering what that was. don't touch anything. he stands, looking down, taking no notice as -- drop it. stay out of there. listen to me: it's all right. i've been expecting something. bree -- go down in my room. go down in my room and wait. because he knew i couldn't leave the case alone. and this way at least he'd keep track of it. and me. that's the reason i told him we had no evidence tom was still alive. we wanted to shake him into another phone call or another letter. it didn't work out just that way. i left them here. i was doing some work here. nobody's seen that. he called this morning from tuscarora. asked me to meet him at 3:00 at the downtown heliport. he's on his way to chicago. those were police laboratory people, they've been over the apartment. where'd you spend last night? i called trina. bree, what's actually happened? it wasn't that bad. why couldn't you stay here with me? trask wants to talk with you. trask wants to talk with you. well there's a couple -- well as a matter of -- yeah. yeah, two things pete, that -- yeah. it wasn't tom. it wasn't tom that broke in the room. not tom. whoever it was left a kind of souvenir, i told you, in her clothing. semen. the laboratory got a blood group reading from that. the man was blood type 0; tom was an ab. no. no mistake pete. it doesn't prove who it was -- but proves it wasn't tom. not too bad. this brings back that dumper in the picture. dumper, the man bree daniel mentioned and arlyn page knew and jane mckenna knew. someone's been doing all these things. pete, i've got a chance to buy jane mckenna's black book. call-girls generally keep a book, you know, a list of their clients. sometimes, if a girl retires, she'll even sell it worth good money. jane mckenna had a black book; when she died it was stolen. i've been after it a long time. i'm meeting a man tomorrow night. he wants to meet me on east-river drive -- he wants five hundred dollars for the book. can you get that for me pete? will the company put up five hundred dollars to get jane mckenna's list of clients? it probably has the dumper's name. it might give us some kind of new lead. i want a look at it anyhow. all right, but i'm going to see that list. no, but bree does. she's negotiating for me. bree daniel. tomorrow evening, nine. east river drive and 73rd street. just send me a money order. well -- bree? i'm always getting surprises. i don't want you to do this. please. i said i don't want you to do this. no. please. not with this son of a bitch. please -- hello? trask, i don't get that. who told you, his secretary? has someone checked his hotel? he always stays at the -- i'll look around, i'll call you back. bree -- trina, will you call me if you hear from, her? will you check other people she might call? yeah, if it wasn't trouble i wouldn't ask vou. yeah? nothing yet, trask; i'm going down the list. i've tried spangler's office and spangler's home; i just get his message service. i'll keep-- i may have steered cable that way. i told him bree was dealing for me, for jane mckenna's book. have you found any -- yeah. did she leave a number? this is a police call; don't make me take time to prove it. did she leave a number? what is the number? what is the number? -- klute moves on -- moves on -- gains position -- springs. come on. come on. i got a call from ross this morning. cable owned a plot of woodland -- he'd go there on weekends. they found tom grunemann's body buried there. they've notified his wife. mm. mm. wait. no. i was going to come up. i wanted to ask you to marry me. i am. about what? i don't think so. they don't scare me any more. doesn't scare me. i think we could handle it. can you use these? no. i'm sore. well --