are you with plant security, sergeant? then how are you involved? you knew the subject thomas grunemann. how well? can you account for his disappearance in any way? did he recently appear to you agitated or depressed? -- indicates no -- did he voice to you grievance or discontent with his research work here? indicates no. moral or sexual problems or peculiarities? -- marital problems in general? indicates possibly -- am i right sergeant? did he ever mention specifically a girl or woman in new york? examine this letter please. we recovered that from the shredder -- the plant disposal and incinerator system. grunemann apparently typed it friday, before he left, decided not to send it, tossed it away. we've already contacted the new york police; they think they know the girl in question. he never mentioned this type thing to you? you didn't know he had these interests? -- has disclosed no evidence of crime or criminal intent within the jurisdiction of this bureau, and since subject thom -- well sir. no sir, we don't state that. we're countin -- well mr. cable, you've got me here from the bureau. you got lieutenant trask here from new york representing his department and i don't frankly consider -- trask -- the subject got emotionallv disturbed; he just dropped out. there's thousands. private investigation, you mean. yes sir, of course you're entitled, and there's some very competent -- yes sir, we know he -- mr. streiger, speaking frankly -- we've appreciated the sergeant's interest you know, all along. here, locally. but new york, that's - well -- spent much time in the city? you see, i have to wonder -- speaking frankly; the sergeant knows i'm only speaking frankly - but if cable killed grunemann why would he get you hired to look for grunemann? what about grunemann's letters to the girl, everything like that? ok, pretend i believe you. tell me how you get an indictment. sounds to me you better shake him again. put him in a spot he has to do something more -- but this time give him a time and a place to do it.