bree daniel, caucasian, twenty eight, good physical health, no narcotics record, presenting an unusually strong personality some ways, high intelligence, a high bracket call girl. -- usual case history -- this isn't a medical confidence, it's all of them -- broken family, lonely, confused, crummy childhood, early promiscuity, formal prostitution beginning in her teens, income twenty-five to thirty thousand a year. oh they don't keep the money: they get rid of it, they get pimps. why? why do you want to know all this? not unusual. about his letters -- that's all she remembered. quite violent material, i'd say, obsessive, a quite sick man. but that's not unusual either. no. she had every good intention of it -- coming to me as a private patient, getting out of the life, devoting herself to an acting career. oh sure they try. the idea of a better life. but they don't really know much about life: they get confused -- or scared or frustrated or bored -- they pop back to the one thing they can handle. the trick. the trick. men in bed. not men in general, not life, not love, not even real sex -- it avoids all that. just the trick, the transaction. i'd just be guessing. maybe this wasn't just a trick. maybe you're in danger of real love, real involve -- you've spent your life avoiding this. you'll try hard to deny it; you're quite likely to destroy it. don't belong? sorry. you think people hate you. didn't want you.