we first hold her under surveillance expectin your boy grunemann to show up there. didn't. then we bagged -- we arrested her on a cp charge, convicted, two month's women's city prison, offer to reduce sentence, she cooperated. four interrogations. she thought she remembered grunemann -- from those letters from before, she made that connection -- but she hadn't seen him since and couldn't identify his photograph and she -- oh a good call girl, she'll turn six-seven hundred tricks a year. the faces get blurred. and since then, recent months, she's reported several, you know, incidents: like breather calls, anonymous phone calls, also somebody maybe following her, watching her, things like that. so it's i guess you could say, conceivable grunemann's still around there, just hangin around her, spooking her. but you know, that -- ever done any missing person's work? man, just a poor pretty little hooker, like to be an actress -- what you lookin' to get from her? you think she's got grunemann hid somewhere, the attic, feedin him soup? or maybe he's hidin in a dark alley and he'll jump on her and you jump on him. and third place, even if she does know somethin' she's right, she don't have to talk to you. you don't have police power, you can't make her. unknown, unidentified and unwanted. and there's more every day man, there's more everyday. he's right you know. waiting for the pusher, she'd tell you anything. they were bringing a freighter down through kill van kull; propellers washed it up on top. it'll go to the examiner. but i don't see nothin that means nothin. that's how the other one died, you know. in the water. well? think this is our guy? thought it might. it's off an arrest report you typed two years ago. man you wanted samples of everybody. now the next cat. mm? unless he was involved with grunemann's disappearance. what else do you know? we have some very tentative circumstantial evidence of freeky behavior, but there's no evidence of murder - there's not even a body. cable's letters, cable's phone calls. cable's everything else. he's been a dumper a long time. he just passed off his own peculiar habits on the other man -- it kept things goin'. can't. yet. oh we got everythin' else: first rate evidence cable typed those dumper letters to bree daniel. and jane mckenna: klute found a couple in her personal remains. we got dates of cable's trips here coincidin' with phone calls to bree daniel, also the dates of death of mckenna and page. we got some hints of his personal history. his father, unsuccessful salesman, committed suicide when he was 13. his mother pinned all her hopes on her son. he won a national science youth award at the age of eight. they had no money, but she hired special tutors for him in the summer time. she saw a good thing. he graduated from high school at 14 -- college at 16 -- no friends -- the kids in his class thought of him as a freak. he got his ph.d. at 18 -- married at age 21 to his then employer's daughter. the marriage lasted 4 weeks. her father had it annulled. she says he was impotent. world war ii he got in bad trouble about a german girl, no details. we think we know why he killed grunemann -- he found out cable was a dumper; cable couldn't take that. we think we know why he killed mckenna -- she wanted to blackmail him for it. all fine. but we got no body, no direct witnesses, we can't go any-damn-where. gov, want to leave me that one. how come he got to play with this one, anyway. it's damn lucky you didn't have the dossier on cable here. if we get anything from the lab, we'll have it by noon. and just think -- all he really had to do was write us a letter. he sure chalks up a lot of flight time. miss daniel, be sensible, you find another place till we get things cleaned up. a few more days. we know who did this. no, not grunemann. he's dead. the man that killed him -- also prob'ly jane mckenna, also arlyn page. now there's a picture i'd like you to -- well we're pretty -- we don't want to just lock him up; we want a conviction, we wanted him to do something more. i guess he figured it was better. no, that's not -- from the beginning i don't know why the hell he's messin with you. if he was me he'd know better. if he was even a city boy he'd know better. you're a whore miss daniel, that's the truth of it, right? now somethin i'd like you to look at. here please. like for you to look for the man. no. not grunemann. the dumper. just look around -- i said look for the dumper.