i love you too, mommy. good-night. don't let the bedbugs bite. where's mommy? the little hand is on the six and the big hand is on the nine. where is mommy? when is mommy coming back? wow! french toast, really? you forgot the milk. what about my orange juice? daddy!!! when is mommy coming back? will she pick me up after school? what if she forgets? but what happens if she's on her way to school and she gets runned over by a truck and killed? what happens them? uh, huh. when is she coming home?! you're late. goodbye. bye. i was waiting a long time. all the other mothers got here a long time ago. okay. same as usual. sorry. mom, i mean dad? can i be excused? i'm not hungry. i think i'll go to bed. i guess. 'night. mom, i mean dad. that's not the right soap. we use the kind in the green and yellow box. we use the green and yellow. the pink stuff. mommy! mommy! oh. i thought you were my mommy. ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the. greatest. show. on earth. do you like fried chicken? so do i. mom, i mean dad. what do you do when an elephant sits on your fence? you get a new fence. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. that's okay. that's okay. what is it? i hate it. no i didn't. i hate the brown stuff. it's gross. i'm allergic to onions. i want a pizza. i think i'm going to throw up. some of the brown stuff is still there. no. i don't care. i hate it. i want pizza. no! owwww. you're hurting me. you're hurting me. i hate you. i hate you. i want my mommy. i want my mommy. i want my. mm. ommy. i want mmmy. mommy. i want my. mmmo. mmmy. i want mmmy mmo. mmy. daddy? i'm sorry. daddy? are you. gonna go. away? that's why mommy left. isn't it? 'cause i was bad. is mom ever coming back? oh. good night. don't let the bedbugs bite. dad? i love you. daddy! daddy! daddy, look! presenting billy kramer's fantastic superjet! daddy! ohhh. ohhhh. ohhhhh. i love you too daddy. see you in the morning light. mommy! sure. detroit. no. but i've been to brooklyn. that's kim. and this one's thelma and that's mrs. willewska and this is daddy and that's batman and over there is robin. oh, sure. here, this can be mommy. sure. lunch in a restaurant. playing. sure. lots of times. he hits me on the planet kriptarium, when i steal the buried treasure from the famous peanut butter factory. my daddy doesn't hit me, silly. why would my daddy hit me? it's my name too. wow! wow! is this really where you work? is this really your desk? is that really your chair? wow! that's neat. can i sit in it? did mommy ever see this? are you going to get remarried? are you going to remarried phyllis? will you and mommy get remarried? boy, i bet you if mommy ever saw this she'd remarried you. mom – i mean, dad? what did you do when you were little? did you watch "i dream of jeannie?" you didn't have t.v.? was there apple juice when you were little? was there burger king? what else wasn't there? daddy! you're home early. did you get fired again? why does he decide? like a principal? i don't understand, daddy. where will my bed be, where will i sleep? where will my toys be? who will read me my stories? daddy, what if the face comes when i'm at mommy's? will you come and say good-night to me every night?