your honor. as our first witness i would like to call joanna kramer. now then, mrs. kramer, would you tell the court how long you were married? and would you describe those years as happy? mrs. kramer, did you ever work in a job while you were married to your ex-husband? did you wish to? tell me, mrs. kramer, are you employed at the present time? and what is your present salary? mrs. kramer, do you love your child? and yet you chose to leave him? your honor, i would like to place in evidence a report on mrs. kramer's therapy by her therapist, dr. elinore freedman of la jolla, california. mr. kramer, why did you set up residence in new york? mrs. kramer, can you tell the court why you are asking for custody? thank you, mrs. kramer. i have no further questions. objection. objection! objection! objection! i must ask that the counsel be prevented from harassing the witness. objection! objection! objection! now then, mr. o'connor, how long did ted kramer work for you? and did you have a close personal relationship? and how did you find his work? and yet you fired him. thank you. i have no further questions. objection, your honor. the answer is, to be generous, very vague. no questions. mr. kramer, by any chance have you ever had a woman in your bed while your child was asleep in the next room? so do i. mr. kramer, isn't it true that you were fired from your last job not more than six weeks ago? you were fired, correct? give them time. your honor, i'm only examining the man's employment record. he pretends to fitness when he cannot hold a job. mr. kramer, did your child nearly lose an eye when he was in your care? mr. kramer, did you, or did you not tell the child's mother that you were responsible for the injury that permanently disfigured your child? while the child was in the care of the witness, he cut his face badly and is now scarred. yes, your honor. i do not, your honor, however – does the witness deny the injury took place? then i have concluded my questions.