ummm, hmmm. umm, hmmm. well, this looks very good. of course . you understand this is the worst time of the year to look for a job. mr. kramer, nobody even thinks about leaving their job until after they get their christmas bonus. i understand and i'm absolutely sure something wonderful will turn up. . after the first of the year. mis-ter kramer, as i mentioned yesterday, this is a very bad time of year to look for work. now i'm sure we'll have something for you by mid-february, march at the latest. no. no. no. there might be something at j. walter thompson. but. . i don't think they're really serious. the position's been open for two months and. they may just be on a fishing expedition. i'm sure you'll be much happier if you wait until after the first – mis-ter kramer, it's. . almost four now. it's the friday before christmas. nobody is going to want to – my, we are a hot shot aren't we?