ted, will you take it easy? revlon's not about to drop an account that represents more than two million in gross billing receipts in a small agency like this, without making us sweat. now just relax, okay? everything's gonna be fine. here's to ted kramer. i wanna tell you something about this little runt. he went out there and sold the shit out of revlon and that's why we got the account. it was his idea, it was his concept, right down the line. hey, what's the rush? c'mon, walk me a couple of blocks. listen, ted. i just want to tell you, when old man schmidt retires next year, i've got a pretty good feeling they'll kick me upstairs. and when they do, i just want you to know i'm takin' you along with me. y'know, ted, i mean what i said back there. you did a hell of a job on this and i want you to know i'm turning the whole show over to you. i mean it ted, you're running this one. hey. look who was out celebrating last night. jesus christ. that's a real blockbuster. i always figured you guys had it made. listen, don't let it get you down. you're going to be fine. look, ted, i'm the oldest whore on the beat, okay? three marriages, two divorces. you're gonna be okay. she'll be back. but. just in case. i mean, just on the off chance she doesn't. what are you going to do about the kid? look, it's none of my business, so you can tell me to butt out, okay? but if you want my advice, you'll send billy away to stay with relatives for a while. just until you get yourself straightened out. ted, this may sound a little rough, but we've just landed the biggest account in the history of this agency, right? and now it's up to us – that's you and me – to deliver the goods. ted, you're my main man, and if i can't depend on you a hundred and ten percent, twenty-four hours a day, because you're worried about a kid with a runny nose – i hope you're right, ted. i really hope you're right. hey, ted. c'mon in. i wanna' talk to you. what's the big rush. c'mon in, put your feet up, have a drink. listen, i heard a terrific joke today. there's this polish skydiver – murray? jim o'connor, why don't you drop by and have a drink. ted. ted. if it's all right with you, mother kramer, can we get down to work now? murray had some ideas about the fire and ice campaign and he had the art department make up a few roughs. i think they're kind of interesting. murray just added a few things, that's all. yeah? it's for you. murray's right. look it's just some ideas, okay? i mean nothing's locked in cement. i promise you this is your show. trust me on this one, ted. well, ah. i thought it over and i decided we're doing it murray's way. that's my decision, ted and that's final. look, ah. ted. i just got word from the guys at revlon and. ah they did some marketing tests on our campaign and the results were. disappointing. it only pulled a fourteen share and they were hoping for a twenty five minimum, and. ah. they're not very happy and. well, the guys have decided they want to. ah, re-think the entire concept and. look, i don't like having to do this, okay?. but. i mean, what i mean is. ah, i'm going to have to. ah, let you go – c'mon, ted, don't get emotional. okay? look, this isn't exactly an easy thing for me to do, y'know? i swear murray and i did everything we could, but those sons of bitches were out for blood. i mean it was all i could do to keep the account inside the shop. look, i promise, if i hear of anything i'll let you know first thing. ted?. eight, almost nine years. yes. it was good. he was a hard worker, a lot of drive, a real hustler. ted was a good worker. but, ah. after his wife left him and he was taking care of the kid on his own, things started to change. look, i know he had problems, i understand that. i've got problems, everybody's got problems. but i've got a shop to run, i can't let that kind of thing get in the way. i guess i felt that ted was letting his duties at home interfere with his responsibilities in the office. no. at the moment i am unemployed.