hello, kramer. sure. yes. yes, i'll have dinner with you. kramer, i've got to go. i've got an eight o'clock closing tomorrow down on centre street. that's okay. it's just that i've got these clients that are – oh, god. ah. yes. i just met your son. he wanted to know if i liked fried chicken. no, no, no, kramer. that's not how you do it. look. you hold it like this. farther down the bat. and you swing like this. throw me one. how about lunch, kramer. i'm buying. kramer. o'connor's out to get you. he's going to take the fire and ice account away from you. you want to know why? i'll tell you why. another scotch and soda for the gentleman. i'll tell you exactly why. because you're not his buddy anymore. because he can't count on you to sit around the office every night until eight or nine and shoot the shit with him. you dope. o'connor doesn't give a damn about billy. all he wants is somebody that'll hang around with him every night so he won't have to go home. all right. okay. but tell me something, kramer. who do you think is palling around with o'connor these days? murray. oh, for god's sake, kramer. you have got to be the world's most naive human being. murray has gone in and changed every single ad you've done on the entire fire and ice campaign. every layout. every idea. every single thing, right down the line. kramer, i'm sorry. all i was trying to do was – right. kramer – kramer. there's something i ought to tell you. i've been offered a job in washington with h.e.w. i'm going to take it. it's a very good job – too good to pass up. i'll be handling funding for the whole. look, i. "like" you a lot. and you. "like" me, okay? maybe if it was a year from now, maybe things would be different. i'll miss you, kramer.