all right. what's going on? look, ted, all i – ted, all i wanted to know was where – ohmygod. didn't she say anything? she must've said something. ted, don't be so hostile. ted, joanna and i used to talk a lot and. well, she told me a lot of. ah, things about the two of you. i mean. things. ted, joanna's very unhappy and – what d'you know about how joanna felt? you went off to an office every morning and you'd come dragging home at seven or eight every night and as long as dinner was on the table you thought everything was swell. so she's late. what's the big deal. that's just a way of saying, "pay attention to me." oh for shit's sake, ted, you are the most selfish human being i have ever met. no wonder she said you came first, then billy, then, if there was anything left over, she got the scraps. maybe she didn't feel like she should have to. maybe she felt like if you'd been paying any real attention to her to start with, maybe you would've noticed. no. ted, divorce is a terrible thing. i know, i went through it. you've got to believe i did everything i could to get joanna to stay. but i'll tell you something. you may not want to hear it, but it took a lot of courage for joanna to do what she just did. joanna left billy? she didn't take him with her? oh shit. oh, god. ohmygod. what are you going to do? i mean, what are you going to do about billy? look, this is nothing personal, but i don't think you can do it. all right. okay. but let's get something straight, right now. i mean, i'm sorry about what happened between you and joanna, but it's not my problem, understand? i'm not going to have you calling every fifteen minutes just because you can't find a hot water bottle, understand? i've got enough trouble raising my own kid. i don't need another one. got it? you're on your own, understand? you're sure? all right. who's billy's pediatrician? ed davies. 230 east 76th street. 472- 8227. fifty bucks a house call, thirty for an office visit. write this down: i'm not telling you twice. what's the nearest hospital? lenox hill. 77th street between park and lex. the emergency number is 327- colors in one pile, white things in another and shirts in a third. brush the teeth. hang up the towel and flush the toilet. no, not really. i guess it's different if you don't have children, but. i dunno, even if charley and i don't live together, even if we're sleeping with other people, even if charley was to marry again. he'd still be my husband. that stuff about "till death do you part?" that's really true. three. and add some basil. no. i don't think so. look, i know this isn't gonna make any sense, okay? i mean forget the logic part. but i keep thinking if charley really loved me, he wouldn't have let me divorce him. not for a couple of months. the last time i heard from her she was living in san francisco. uh, huh. she said she had a good job, was playing a lot of tennis. she wanted to know all about billy. uh, huh. yeah. i told her you're doing a pretty good job. how is he? sure. what? don't say that! i don't want to hear you say that! me?! you want me to take care of billy?! six years. ever since ted and joanna moved into the building. charley, my husband, and i are. divorced and kim, that's our daughter is about billy's age and the children play together a lot. so, i guess we see each three or four times a week. it's beautiful. it's just beautiful. they have a beautiful relationship. ted – mr. kramer, spends a great deal of time with his child. i don't just mean hours, i mean good time, involved time. he reads to billy. they play together. they talk all the time. he is a very. kind man. a very. devoted father, and. and. and joanna if you ever saw them together. there wouldn't be a trial at all. oh, shit. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. you heard anything yet? ted. ah, charley and i are. well, we're thinking about. i mean, actually we're sort of talking about maybe getting back together. maybe. i said maybe. what i mean is, ah. i don't think it'll really work out, but charley seems to want it, so. oh, god. ted, i am really scared. ted!. it's me. ted?. ted, i just heard. i'm so. sorry. oh, ted, i'm so sorry.