fifth dalai lama. thirteenth dalai lama. fourteenth dalai lama. may i listen to the news with you, holiness? no. not very big. no. this war is almost over. no, we don't. in the pacific ocean. it is an island. american territory. i do not know, holiness. he warned about the future of tibet. when it is time. i am sorry for you to have to witness this, kundun. tragic. unnecessary. holiness? i have a letter. the thirteenth dalai lama's warning. he wrote to you, the year before he died. the year before you were born. "it may happen, that here in tibet, religion and government will be attacked both from without and within. unless we guard our own country" ". it will now happen that the dalai and panchen lamas, the father and the son, and all the revered holders of the faith, will disappear and become nameless." "monks and their monasteries will be destroyed. the rule of law will be weakened. the lands and properties will be seized. they themselves will be forced to serve their enemies or wander the country like beggars." you are the man who wrote this letter. you are the man who has come back to lead us. you will soon have great responsibilities. you must know what to do. ask whatever you will. the war is over. this is a time in when nations are redefining themselves. yes. as a free country. but our attempts have proven futile. we continue to be badly outmaneuvered by the chinese. india is a newly independent nation. they are struggling. india is in no position to help us. britain chooses not to. america, we shall see. quite simple. yes. good. they crossed the river, holiness. they have invaded in six locations, chando province, kham, eastern tibet. eight thousand, five hundred, soldiers and officers. we have recently requested mortars, anti-aircraft guns and ammunition from india. we have several hundred in the area. one country did sponsor the resolution. a land called "el salvador". in the americas. your prime minsters would argue that such negotiations should take place in lhasa. he is a modern man. just like he was the last time. it means we have lost our status as an independent nation. shall we consult the protective deities, holiness? the khamba's gun is his most prized possession. i admire them so. they face a modern, well equipped army, and still, they fight. land reform is underway in amdo. the large estates are being confiscated and redistributed. landlords are being punished. the communists put their guns in the hands of the khamba children and force the child to kill the parent. they have dropped bombs on the monastery of lithang in kham. it has been destroyed. women and children, trying to escape from the fighting, have been shot with machine guns, fired from airplanes. non-violence means co-operation when it is possible. resistance, when it is not. they will take lhasa next. the crowd will not disperse until you give your assurance that you will not attend the chinese festivities. many who have been invited to dine with the chinese do not return home. i will alert the chinese delegation. we are now accused of aiding the rebels. the chinese said we can expect drastic measures to be taken to crush this revolt. the chinese are planning to attack the crowd and shell the norbulinka. you are asked to indicate on a map where you will be so that the artillery men will not mistakenly aim at you. "the gods will be avenged!"