my name is norbu, holiness. i will be good, you be bad. i am braver. today you lose. tomorrow you may win. things change, kundun. one night, not too long ago, an old monk saw a woman in that very same hallway where you ran away. she carried a basket in her arms, a big, heavy basket, and the old monk cautiously approached. she opened her basket and showed what she had. heads. human heads. only the heads. it is a story, you decide. as you say. you can only go with attendants and a big ceremony. you cannot. but you are not a shepherd, you are the dalai lama. we have enemies. yes. ahh. ahh. we hope, kundun. reting rinpoche has been arrested. he tried to overthrow regent taktra. today, he is brought back to lhasa by government officials. the monks at sera monastery have been on his side. now, there is trouble between them and the army. you remember who you are. you called for them. reting rinpoche has died in prison. tibetan officials have retreated from chamdo. they are scared and running. the chinese strategy has destroyed the heart of our defense forces. chamdo falls, several other villages are lost. you know what happens. the road to lhasa will be wide open. the people want you made dalai lama. these are dangerous times. they want the dalai lama to lead them. oh, but you do, kundun. who else would be here? it's time to take this down. no, holiness. the people will cry when they learn you are gone. but they would all want you safe. let me take this. you must study very hard, do not neglect the holy things during this time. we have had fun, you and i. fun for a little boy in an old palace. you have grown up very good. tonight, kundun, you see the world. you place your feet on the shepherd boy's path. "the gods will be avenged." i will send it to you. it will work. goodbye, kundun.