i am the good one. you be bad. the bad man. i'm on a big mountain and hitting at the bad men. and after the game, we're going to trade. you just stay over there, no, there!, norbu, and i will shoot at you. i want your land. i take it. i am stronger. i have more men. why is your beard so funny? let me touch this. soft. "as long as all living draw breaths, there buddha is." what is it? and, is it mine? i need it. is that true or pretend? pretend. "i be an island for those who seek one, a lamp for light." "may i be a bed for all who wish to rest, and a slave for all who want a slave." "may i be wishing jewel, a magic vase. i want to go down there. i want to run down the street. i want to buy a toy. eat from the shops. i want to be a shepherd, taking those goats and cows out to the hillside. maybe in the next life, the world will not need a dalai lama. little ones first, only little ones. it is alright, father. go away. can i do anything i want? but, i am in charge. can i save the sheep from going to the market? so they don't die. do i have money? do you have money? and you have horses? you love horses. will you buy the sheep for me? here. we'll collect them. can i free the prisoners? i am him. is he a bad man? norbu says he is "lavish" and "willful". "how can he give you monk's vows if he has not kept them himself?" he was always nice to me. he found me. he saw me in his dreams. but you will always be here? you will always! oh, mama! who will it be? my teeth! my teeth are in here! my old teeth! you recite! you recite! i would like you to be my new regent. the four noble truths, as taught by the lord sakyamuni buddha are: the truth of suffering the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the cessation of suffering, the truth of the way which leads to the cessation of suffering. true suffering arises from contaminated actions and afflictions. birth, illness, grief, old age, poverty, pain, death - these are surferings. the causes of suffering arise from true sources. attachment, desire, envy, hatred, greed, unkindness, wrong view and so forth - these are some causes of suffering. we will have to think about that. i need to squeeze this brain. when one understands that he causes some of his own suffering, needlessly, then he looks for the causes in his own life. i need to jump! i love to jump! oh, nicely done, norbu. i will get you. please. how big is tibet's army? is that big? the regent is adding men. and he bought rifles and ammunition from india. mountain guns, too. will we be in this war? will we ever be in war? the chinese. but, surely, we are safe in tibet. we don't believe in killing. this is britain. where is poland? where is pearl harbor? where is alsace? this is tibet. and this is china. certainly, we are safe in tibet. what was the warning of the thirteenth dalai lama? tell me. patience is the first of the six perfections. one day, we will get that automobile running. it's the army, firing on sera monastery! oh, no! oh, no! why is this? what is happening? tell me! look here! what can i do? i am only a boy. taktra rinpoche, i understand there was an attempt on your life. you are unharmed? good. where is reting rinpoche now? the sera monks have surrendered? please, have tea. i need to know what you know. i am no longer a child. what is the danger from the chinese, now? did you receive the letter? so, tibet, too, needs to define itself. can india help us? britain? and, america? ask the chinese mission to leave our country. immediately. i shall send a letter to america, to the president, informing him of our problem. i want reting rinpoche well cared for. he is my teacher. he found me. listen to this, norbu. : to mr truman the president of the united states of america if we agree that we are part of china, nothing else will matter. not trade, not defense. we will be lost. what should i do about my doubt, teacher? i mean, my doubt. why me? am i him? i believe we must make no concesions to the chinese. but, i am one voice. the dalai lama has always trusted in the forces of buddha. let us consult the protective deities. enter. yes. what is the size of our army, now? has anyone died? one man. a man has died. one man is too many. what do the people say, norbu? then, i am lucky. i am still too young. but, i have no experience. "to the members of the united nations: "tibetans have for long lived a cloistered life in their mountain fastness, remote and aloof" tell me. you, kill me? do you remember the day i came to your monastery, when i was a baby? and you comforted me? i remember, too, actually. i was frightened then. i am frightened now. we cannot. buddha teaches that we must learn from our enemy. we have compassion for all people. how could i ever leave? i accept it. we shall send delegations to america, india, nepal and great britain, in hope that these countries will intervene on our behalf. we have telegraphed our appeal to the united nations and await its reply. i am sending a delegation to china to negotiate the chinese withdrawal. it seems that i must depart lhasa. the majority wills it. lukhangwa and lobsang tashi? i am making you my prime ministers. you will stay here. you must always keep me informed, no matter how bad the news. i want plain information. today, i declare a general amnesty. you will not come? am i running away? i will miss you. we have. and you have grown older and your chin has grown balder. a moment. yes. i am ready. safe journey. safe return. all quiet? where are you from? your people are very brave. they are fighting the chinese. no one can stop them. not even me. i worry about them. eighteen, wonderful. did you love your husband, before you married? hmm. does he treat you fairly? no. much too young. like my mother. this little brother was terribly sweet. when he died, my mother was so sad. a lama said to her, before the little brother was laid out for burial, take a bit of butter and rub a spot on his skin. he will come back to you, you will see. so, my mother did this, and a few years later, a new boy was born. he does, a little spot where the butter had been. what do you think? you decide. soft. nice. i have a good friend back in lhasa. he has a very poor beard, with a little spot on his chin where no hair grows. it feels like that. all? and the united nations? surely? where is that? so, we must face china and all her might alone. with much bloodshed. i want at all costs to avoid this. do we have news from the delegation in china? he is a capable man. and then they would concede that the times are desperate and we must go to peking. agreed. send ngabo. time to study. wait. we are in the last outposts of tibet. let's do away with some of this formality. "i will liberate those not liberated." i will release those not released. i will relieve those not relieved. may i deliver them to the state of enlightenment." yes, but they say he did. yes. then, we shall meet. general chiang. thank you. please sit. i have. soon. let me see the agreement. counterfeit. i thought he would be some kind of monster, even with horns growing out of his head. but, he is only a man, just an ordinary human being, like myself. life is always a lesson. if i were to go into exile, could we expect any serious assistance, from india, suppose? at this point, the most likely result of a foreign pact is war. tibet, at war? no. china is close, america is far away. after countless people die, china would still, always, be close. we will work with what we have. i am scared. my first and foremost duty is to protect my people. i feel sure of this. impermanence. our own short lifetimes are not the only valid consideration. no! no, norbu! you see here thangkas of the fifth dalai lama, the founder of our government. it is tradition at formal meetings for these thangkas to be hung. songs? what songs? i have no authority to ban singing in my country. i am so sorry. i accept your resignations. there will be no new prime ministers. they have taken away our silence. i have great hopes for the future of our co-operation. i am happy to hear you say this, chairman mao. i have created a reform committee to investigate grievances and we have abolished inherited tax, and forgiven all money owed the government by people who are unable to pay. for me, i think such a mix is crucial. "if moral discipline is learned from the beginning, one possesses the root for achieving higher rebirth. a staircase for achieving liberation. an antidote eliminating misery and sorrow. without discipline there is no method." i am thinking of becoming a communist party member. i like what i see of marxism. it is based on equality and justice for all. i believe chairman mao wishes the best for our people. our path must be non-violence. co-operation. i leave tomorrow. i have been greatly impressed by your accomplishments. industrial progress. great efficiency. your people are capable and courteous. he will betray us. i had relinquished doubt. are you happy? i ask them to stop, to lay down their guns. a beggar can be called a landlord if he disapproves of the chinese. i have always asked for plain information. just the truth. the pursuit of non-violence. very difficult. i will not approve it. you have bombed on peaceful people. no. we are peace loving people. i am afraid we cannot trust you. i burn here, but i am not suppose to let the smoke show. yes, we need reform. the monasteries. communications. schools. but we want change for tibet, as tibet needs it, not for china. buddha is our physician, general, he will heal us. comapssion and enlightnement will set us free. you can not liberate me i can only liberate myself. the people will not allow it. "i rejoice in the awakening of the buddhas, and also in the spiritual levels of their sons." "and with gladness i rejoice in the ocean of virtue from developing an awakening mind that wishes all beings to be happy" "as well as in the deeds that bring them benefit. "thus by the virtue collected through all that i have done, may the pain of every living creature be completely cleared away." i will not go. do you think i must? tibet has never been part of china. we are different races. we are different cultures. we need change, we know that. but we could do it alone. we were just about to do it alone. i am afraid i will go. far, far away. arrange for me to speak to the people's leaders. i fear that there will be great bloodshed if you cannot convince the people to disperse and go home. i am safe. tell them i will be here. with my people. right here. dim the lights. wait. i see a safe journey. i see a safe return. now. i am ready. i have always loved mountains. "right will be victorious." i repudiate the seventeen point agreement i constitute the government of tibet, the only legal authority in the land. what you see before you is a man. a simple monk. i think i am a reflection, like the moon, on water. when you see me, and i try to be a good man, see yourself