what?!?! "double the guard?! extra precautions?! your prison may not be adequate!" you doubt my prison's security? i'll give you a message for your master shifu. escape from chogun prison is impossible! impressive, isn't it? one way in, one way out, one thousand guards, and one prisoner. take us down. behold, tai lung. it's nothing to worry about. it's perfectly safe. crossbows! at the ready! hey, tough guy, did you hear? oogway's finally gonna give someone the dragon scroll and it's not gonna be you! what's he gonna do about it? i've got him completely immobilized. awww. did i step on the witty kitty's tail? awww. no, he doesn't. fire crossbows! you're not going anywhere. and neither is he. bring it up! he won't get far. archers! heh heh. not yet we're not! now! yes.