well done, students. if you were trying to disappoint me. tigress, you need more ferocity. monkey, greater speed. crane - height. viper - subtlety. mantis-- what?! master oogway? you summoned me. is something wrong? so. nothing's wrong? you were saying? that is impossible. he is in prison. zeng! fly to chogun prison and tell them to double the guards, double their weapons. double everything! tai lung does not leave that prison! we have to do something. we can't just let him march on the valley, and take his revenge! he'll, he'll-- the dragon scroll. but who? who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? to become. the dragon warrior?! it is an historic day, isn't it, master oogway? yes, master oogway. citizens of the valley of peace! it is my great honor to present to you. tigress! viper! crane! monkey! mantis! the furious five! warriors prepare! ready for battle! and finally. master tigress! and believe me citizens, you have not seen anything yet! master tigress! face iron ox and his blades of death! citizens of the valley of peace! master oogway will now choose. the dragon warrior! what??? stop! wait! who told you to--? master oogway, wait! that flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to. our problem. you were about to point at tigress. that thing fell in front of her. that was just an accident! no. if the panda has not quit by morning, then i will have failed you. have you finished sight-seeing? my patience is wearing thin. would you turn around? so you're the legendary dragon warrior. hmmm? wrong! you are not the dragon warrior. you will never be the dragon warrior until you have learned the secret of the dragon scroll. you think it's that easy? that i am just going to hand you the secret to limitless power? one must first master the highest level of kung fu. and that is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you. yes. look at you. this fat butt. flabby arms. and this ridiculous belly. --and utter disregard for personal hygiene. don't stand that close. i can smell your breath. oh, you know this hold? oh, then you must know what happens when i flex my pinky. you know the hardest part of this? the hardest part is cleaning up afterwards. now listen closely, panda. oogway may have picked you, but when i'm through with you, i promise you, you're going to wish he hadn't. are we clear? good. i can't wait to get started. let's begin. yes. now. unless you think the great oogway was wrong, and you are not the dragon warrior. well, if we don't try, we'll never know will we? and what level is that? there is no such thing as level zero. that? we use that for training children. and for propping the door open when it's hot. but if you insist. go ahead, panda. show us what you can do. hit it. just hit it. would you hit it! why don't you try again? a little harder. this'll be easier than i thought. there is now a level zero. panda! panda, wake up! hmm. he's quit. all we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, the true dragon warrior will be revealed. what are you doing here?! you're stuck. help him. you actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? it takes years to develop one's flexibility and years longer to apply it in combat. put that down! the only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones. let's get started. i've been taking it easy on you, panda, but no more! your next opponent. will be me. step forth. the true path to victory is to find your opponent's weakness and make him suffer for it. to take his strength and use it against him. --until he finally falls, or quits. inner peace. inner peace. inner peace. would whoever is making that flapping sound, quiet down! inner. oh, zeng. excellent. i could use some good news right now. master! master! i have-- it's-- it's very bad news. master, your vision. your vision was right. tai lung has broken out of prison. he's on his way! the panda? master, that panda is not the dragon warrior. he wasn't even meant to be here -- it was an accident! yes, i know. you've said that already. twice. thrice. illusion? but there are things we can control. i can control when the fruit will fall. and i can control-- --where to plant the seed. that is no illusion, master. but a peach cannot defeat tai lung! but how? how? i need your help, master. i. i will try. what. what are you? master, you can't leave me! master! you think this is funny? tai lung has escaped from prison and you're acting like children! he is coming for the dragon scroll, and you are the only one who can stop him. oogway cannot, not anymore. our only hope is the dragon warrior. yes, the panda! no! it is not your destiny to defeat tai lung. it is his. where'd he go? you cannot leave! a real warrior never quits! you will beat him because you are the dragon warrior! yes. i was. but now i ask you to trust in your master as i have come to trust in mine. then why didn't you quit? you knew i was trying to get rid of you, and yet you stayed. but i can change you! i can turn you into the dragon warrior! and i will! i don't know!!! i don't know. oh, no need to explain. i just thought you might be monkey -- he hides his almond cookies on the top shelf. look at you. no no, i mean. how did you get up there? and yet you are ten feet off the ground and have done a perfect split. there are no accidents. come with me. panda, we do not wash our pits in the pool of sacred tears. this is where oogway unravelled the mysteries of harmony and focus. this is the birthplace of kung fu. do you want to learn kung fu? then i am your master! don't cry. when you focus on kung fu, when you concentrate. you stink. but perhaps that is my fault. i cannot train you the way i have trained the five. i now see that the way to get through to you is with this! good. when you have been trained, you may eat. let us begin. after you, panda. i vowed to train you. and you have been trained. you are free to eat. enjoy. i said you are free to eat. have a dumpling. you are free to eat! are you?! you have done well, panda. the mark of a true hero is humility! but yes. you have done awesome. he has gotten stronger. he could have killed you. so you could come back here and strike fear into our hearts. but it won't work! you can defeat him, panda. but you will have the one thing that no one else does. you are, po. behold. the dragon scroll. it is yours. no one knows, but legend says you will be able to hear a butterfly's wing-beat. yes. and see light in the deepest cave. you will feel the universe in motion around you. focus. focus. read it, po, and fulfill your destiny. read it and become. the dragon warrior! what? no! i am forbidden to look upon-- blank? i don't. i don't understand. no. oogway was wiser than us all. no, evacuate the valley. you must protect the villagers from tai lung's rage. i will fight him. i can hold him off long enough for everyone to escape. then i will finally have paid for my mistake. listen to me, all of you. it is time for you to continue your journey without me. i am very proud to have been your master. this is no longer your home. and i am no longer your master. this battle is between you and me. that is how it must be. obeying your master is not weakness! you were not meant to be the dragon warrior! that was not my fault! it was never my decision to make! i would rather die. i have always been proud of you. from the first moment, i've been proud of you. and it was my pride that blinded me. i loved you too much to see what you were becoming. what i was turning you into. i'm. sorry. dragon warrior has taken scroll halfway across china by now. you will never see that scroll, tai lung. never. never. po! you're alive! or we're both dead. you did?! wow. it is as oogway foretold -- you are the dragon warrior. you have brought peace to this valley. and to me. thank you. thank you, po. thank you. i'm not dying, you idiot-- ah, dragon warrior. i'm simply at peace. finally. if you can. yeah.