master shifu! aah! it's master oogway. he wants to see you. yes, master shifu. wait wait wait! i bring a message from master shifu. absolutely not. shifu does. i'm just the messenger. whoa. yes, very impressive. it's very impressive. yes, except that prisoner is tai lung. what are you doing?! oh my. i'll um. i'm just gonna wait right here. oof! crossbows?! what are you doing?! don't get him mad. i'm good. i've seen enough. i'm gonna tell shifu he's got nothing to worry about. okay, i'll tell him that. can we please go now? what's happening?! tai lung is free! i must warn shifu! let go of me! he's coming this way! we're dead. so very, very dead. can we run now? nuuu. urggg. urrk! uh.