officer white, you've refused to cooperate with internal affairs. but you should know this is bigger than a police board. indictments may be handed down. quite frankly, we need police witnesses to offset the damage done to the department's image. will you testify? district attorney loew. your badge and gun, officer. this is the new l.a.p.d., white. you're suspended from duty and dismissed. ed, your observations have been astute. what's your assessment of this situation? i want to know who we give the public in contrast? the department needs role models. clean-cut, forthright men the public can admire. and i'll promote you. you'll be a lieutenant immediately. ed, you're 30. your father didn't make lieutenant until he was 33. all right, ed. call sergeant vincennes. i'll guarantee you a slap on the wrist. a brief suspension followed by a temporary transfer from narcotics to ad vice. when you transfer out of vice, you'll be back on the show. badge of honor, vincennes. we need to tone down your profile for a bit. dismissed, vincennes. so be it. detective lieutenant. ace them at the grand jury tomorrow, son. wear the smart- looking suit and ace them. and, ed? lose the glasses. your talents lie elsewhere, wendell. it's a muscle job and shooting job. you'll do what i say and not ask questions. do you follow my drift? enough on that. gentlemen, just go out and get them. use all necessary force. the people of los angeles demand it. we mourn the passing of a good man. the loss of sgt. william carlisle is the loss of his wife, his family and the entire los angeles police department. edmund j. exley has amassed a brilliant record in his seven years with the l.a.p.d. recently he evinced spectacular bravery in the line of duty. it is my honor to present him with our highest honor, the medal of valor. when in doubt, feed them a hero. in this case, we'll need more than one. captain edmund exley. chief of detectives. los angeles police department.