today is an auspicious one for the city of los angeles. mickey cohen has just been sentenced to ten years in federal prison for failure to pay income tax. as the district attorney for los angeles county, it is my pleasure to declare our great city organized crime free. it is truly the dawning of a new day. bloody christmas. the press love to label. you and officer stensland brought the liquor into the precinct. stensland was already drunk. do you see how appearing as a voluntary witness against him could offset the damage you've done to yourself? this man is a disgrace. before we start polishing our laurels, it would look better if we had a corroborative witness. but my office has a stellar witness who will tell the grand jury that you hit back only after being hit. testify against the three officers who have already earned their pensions. our key witness will testify roundly, but you can plead ignorance to questions directed at the other men. it's okay. these are police. what do you want? on what evidence? absolutely not. dudley smith is a highly decorated member of this city's police department and i won't smear his name without -- do you have any proof? i'm not going to dignify youwith answers. if you'll excuse me, i've got a jack vincennes press conference to prepare for. unless you're here to wipe my ass, i think we're through. don't try this good cop. bad cop with me. i practically invented it. and so what if some homo actor is dead. boys, girls, ten of them step off the bus to l.a. every day. call him off, exley! okay! you're right! dudley's got photos of me and reynolds. dudley's rotten to the core. he's taking over mickey cohen's rackets, his own hand-picked cops'll be the new franchise holders. because of those pictures i won't be able to prosecute. oh jesus pull me up! dudley's got everyone under his thumb. not just me, but the chief of police, the lieutenant governor, everybody! the press would have a field day with this.