you have two broken ribs, a punctured spleen and acute rheumatoid arthritis.
the normal amount of build up in your arteries has been aggravated by over exertion. this is called, "claudication," as a result, there isn't enough circulation to your body. that accounts for the discoloration in your extremities and the muscle spasms i'm sure you've encountered.
it can, but it'll have to wait in line.
we ran a c.t. and an m.r.i. we found bleeding in your brain. your collapse was caused by "transient cerebral-ischemia".  a sudden loss of blood circulation to the brain. in other words, mr. parker, you had a mild stroke.
we operate. we find the artery in the brain and close the bleeding.  i just did this procedure on a senator and he's doing fine.
it's hard to say. it's a delicate surgery. there's no getting around the fact that it's a very high-risk situation.
okay, maurice keep it calm.  we can talk about this again, but just so you know, we have a guard on this floor who's sole job it is to keep an eye on you.
there are a lot of people out there who would like to see you finish, including me, but i'm not willing to put your life in anymore risk than it is.  we do the operation, and when you're better, you finish the walk.