that one. the flowers. they're beautiful. there was no card. it's just a regular day. well, i'm sure it's not christmas, because you'd be worried about how much money we don't have to spend on each other. i know it's not new years, because you'd be going on and on about wearing a tuxedo and how much you don't like to dance. and i'm sure it's not our anniversary, because i didn't find an envelope with a hundred dollars cash on my bureau with a note that says, 'pick out something pretty'. yes -- maurice -- i'm virtually certain it's not a special day today. occasion? because you love me. that's the occasion. you've been saying that for two years; i think they know you're bluffing. hi kris. kris, go to the pharmacy. ask mr. donnavan to get you a large bottle of geritol. tell him, maurice has officially become a grumpy old man. they pick on you because they can get a rise out of you. children can sense those things. what? honey, i told you. if it makes you happy, we should just do it. we can do it together. love is shown through actions not just words. what it is -- is the truth. maurice, what would you do for me? what would you do for our love? i'm not talking about saying, i'm talking about doing. sometimes people need to see things done for them -- because sooner or later they don't believe the words anymore. i want to be shown. maurice would you do anything for me? anything? no i don't. i don't even know if you'd walk across the street for me. why do you polish that thing all the time? why do you polish it? why are you polishing it -- in bed -- in your pajamas -- at 11:15 at night? are you going to show it to someone? then why? exactly. no reason. no occasion. it just makes you feel good to do something for it, to express your pride and affection for it some how. how come you'd do that for a piece of metal and not for me? you missed mommie. worried when i didn't come down. my baby. so sweet. that one. onions? love. has something to do with it. show me. you like to take walks? you just said something very sweet. it's one of those thoughts you keep to yourself. i was just thinking that if we actually became a couple -- this was a beautiful place to begin things. i've changed my mind. i want children. yes. please not, 'the two kinds of people' speech. you can change. don't be so sure. what if something happens to one of us? we'll be all alone. i love you maurice parker. it must've hit the window. i think its neck is broken. it'll make it. you must miss flying. being way up there in the clouds looking down at all of us. you miss that don't you? you miss playing with your friends and talking with them. maurice! maurice! come out here. all he needed was love. once you have that, you can do anything. what's wrong? they said something was wrong? everyone's here. everything looks beautiful. they even got the white dove i wanted for the cake -- so what's wrong? what is it? your father? that's okay -- really it is. the day i met you, i gave you my heart. today, i give you my soul. where ever you are, where ever you go, i will be with you. maurice parker, i promise -- i promise, you will never be alone again. what do you think heaven is like? i think it's a different place for each person. i know where my heaven is. pacifica, california. when i was ten, my family lived in pacifica for a year. i used to go to the beach everyday that summer. i never felt so happy, carefree. it was a magic place for me. that's where my heaven will be. maurice? if i die, you'll know where to look for me? no really, if god takes us away from each other, you know where to look now? good.