a topless cherry red wrangler jeep pulls out of a mechanic's garage and moves down route 32. kris reddy is at the wheel. a "daily gazette" sign flaps from his roll-bar. maurice wiping his brow with a handkerchief. the wrangler jeep rolls up next to him as he walks. maurice doesn't stop walking as kris leans over the passenger seat. maurice exits an athletic store in a small town. on his feet a new pair of sneakers. maurice as he walks down a winding highway. his new sneakers shuffling slowly. early morning. the branches of the trees are encapsulated in ice. the snow piled ten inches on every surface. maurice, buried deep beneath three layers of clothes, looks around. his breath materializes with every step. he forces a weak smile at the magical landscape before him. white. pure. peaceful. a colorful canopy of leaves. a familiar torn american flag. stephanie's white vw rabbit pulls to a stop. newspapers spiral through the air. maurice stretches his neck up, squinting at the sun. the silhouette of a helicopter hovers above him. the noise is overpowering. the far end of the beach road. a police car screeches to a stop. sergeant emory and adelle get out. maurice stares down at the ground. willing each new step. the boisterous crowd parts like a ripple effect as maurice walks through. the eyes fall emotionally on him as he stares down at the ground trying to keep moving.