lizy bennett? you're amazing. they called her 'lizy' in the book. sorry i was late. my jeep died on the way over from the paper. pulitzer, here i come. what happened? what'd they take this time? monday -- august 24. juvenile delinquency -- are the victims to blame? story ideas. i'll forget them otherwise. i want to reach people. nobody listens to me. this is my way to reach them. this is a ghost town. nothing ever happens. why are you telling me this mr. parker? are you firing me? you going on a trip mr. parker? where? that's cool. what day are you arriving? when are you leaving? walking where? the hairs on my arm are standing up. something strange is happening. thursday, september 25. 'the death of a spouse - can it drive you insane?' phileas fogg? you're amazing. what are you doing mr. parker? you're walking to california? oh, a coastal city. that's good. she knew you loved her. i'm really lost. what does this have to do with walking? why know? pacifica, california. that's a long ways away. shit mr. parker. you can't walk across the united states -- it's over three thousand miles. what mr. parker? thursday, september 26. 'the question we never ask - what would we do for love?' five. couldn't sleep. read about it on sunday. jesus -- he's walked six hundred miles. what is it? where is he? mammoth. what are you saying? this story is too big for this paper? god damn, you're right. you don't say much michelle, but what you say is golden. -- come on pete, this is important, this is racism in our backyard. aw, that's bull. just think about it, okay? they're pushing my jewish temple vandalism story to the metro section. what? michelle, breathe. that's it, what is it, talk to me. he's taking highway 80 all the way. you know what this is, don't you? it's a miracle. not like. 'it was a miracle little johnny passed his math test.' no! this is a real miracle. turning water to wine kind of miracle. people should know about this, everyone, every single person. it's time for a blitz. let's see what kind of tv interest we can generate. maybe. but he hasn't hit the toughest miles yet. tom joad? you're amazing. i missed you to mr. parker. you were right. from the heart is always better. i drove by the bookstore -- it's boarded up now. there's a sign over the wood -- "office space available." i was thinking you could open another store with investors. i'm sure a lot of people would want to get involved with you now. saluting. come on mr. parker. i can't do it. i want you to finish, but i want you to live more. i do. don't do this. mr. parker, you can yell at me, if it'll help. but i'm not risking your life. your operation is scheduled for friday. i'll be back before then. she knows you love her mr. parker. she knows now. no. but i was going to. they can do that? patrolling the streets on foot. he stops at a hot dog vendor and flashes a picture of maurice from his wallet. the vendor shakes his head, "no." don't stop walking. the police are here. they're coming to take mr. parker away. he needs our help. help mr. parker! don't let them end the walk. let him finish adelle. he's almost there.