yes? they are. who sent them? you thought i sent them? have i forgotten something? is this a special day? it's from dan and kate wilkins. for dinner last week. it's a special day isn't it? you're mad at me. you were beaming a minute ago, but since i didn't send the flowers. now you're mad at me. why would i send flowers? what's the occasion. i see that! i'm getting a doberman! two! lizy, eliza. elizabeth bennett. pride and prejudice. it has to be a full character's name. they printed your article on, 'dry verses can dog food'. very enlightening. never have children. if they're not a burden to you, they're a burden to someone else. nietzsche!. as if they're going to read nietzsche. two thousand square feet. we can add a used book section. next door is a jewelry store with a full-time security guard. he stands outside all day. let's see them try and take nietzsche then. ellen? the new store? it's a tremendous amount of work -- moving. what's your's say? what's that? that's not a fortune. you will be rich. that's a fortune. what you have is a statement. i don't follow. is this going to be similar to the flower incident? you don't think i love you? yes. what do you want from me? would i swim across an ocean for you?. would i walk across the united states for you? yes. yes i would. you know that. so what have you done for me that's so earth-shattering? you're talking to me? a book society award is a very prestigious thing. no. there's no reason. i can do this. why do you put up with me? i do love you. very, very much. i will -- i promise. history and the arts will be here. the classics. we'll have a hand-painted sign. . parker books. this is my dream. it's finally here. i wish my wife were here. she should see this. she had a doctors appointment in blue bell. that's a one and a half hour drive. ellen's been going to that doctor since she moved to pennsylvania. ellen gave me strict orders to sign it. we invited some friends over -- you see, for a celebration. every journey begins with one step right? it's nice to see you don't have any scars from your divorce. what's wrong? what's happened to my wife? please god -- don't do this. eat the food claude. oh god. i'm sorry ellen. i'm so sorry. good morning. oh, that's not mine. i don't have kids. is that your husband? you look so happy -- how long have you been married? yes. seventeen years. where did he go? may i ask you a question that might sound strange? how do you know he loves you? i mean besides. time -- how did you know ten years ago -- twenty years ago? pardon? routine, i assure you. i just wanted to gage my health. am i healthy? i'm going to ask you a question that may sound peculiar. how far could an individual walk if they had no athletic training -- you understand, just an ordinary person? you do? you have? okay. no. how far in one attempt -- what's the farthest someone like myself could walk? just for curiosity sake that's all? twenty miles? i see. making the grand total? three thousand miles?. how many times does twenty go into three thousand? perhaps there's another route? by car right? why do you want to be a journalist kris? what sparked your interest? to reach people, you have to feel something first. you write about the wrong things. how can you feel for dog food? the people at the gazette don't respect it, and neither do you. write from your heart. that's why the classics are great. your bus is arriving. it's one month's pay. no. no. i won't be here for a while. the store will be closed in the interim. yes. california. i'm not sure -- sometime in january i think. tomorrow. i'm walking there kris. california. i always knew you had good instincts. goodbye kris. i'll see you when i get back. i know how you feel. are you trying to tell me something? walk with me? no. but i want to take a walk with you. what are you thinking? please tell me. i love you ellen. round the world in eighty days. . hello kris. i told you. pacifica, california -- it's a coastal city. ellen told me that she didn't know if i loved her. she wasn't certain. i never really showed her. i said, 'i would do anything for her'. and she didn't believe me. i said, 'i'd walk across the country for her'. she didn't believe me. i need to show her how much i love her kris. because i should have shown her before. everyday, i should have shown her. so i've been informed. ellen got up every morning and went to the corner store to get me my bread for breakfast. everyday. now that's about a quarter mile each way. 17 years. that comes to about three thousand miles. and you know what kris? she never ate a slice. i need a bed and i need tylenol. that's all. they are? i thought we both wanted the same things. you can't change your mind. you've just decided, is that right? ellen, there are two kinds of people in the world -- people that were made to be parents, and people who were not made to be parents. my parents, were people who were not made to be parents but had kids anyway. i don't want us to be that way ellen. face it ellen, i'm not the type of person who reads bedtime stories. but you love me anyway. nothing will happen to us. it's a bleak picture, i know, but we're going to be together till were old and grey and you don't remember my name anymore. let me think about it okay. i'm not saying anytime soon. i'm just saying that maybe we can consider it down the road sometime. i mind. excuse me, who's truck is this? are you and your friends planning on driving soon? you don't know me from adam, but i want you to do something for me. i want you to wait until you sobered up before you get behind the wheel. i know this is out of the ordinary, but one man to another, would you do me that favor? no, i just don't want anybody dying because i didn't say something when i had the chance. this is indiana -- nothing's going to happen to you. no thank you i'll walk. look gentlemen, i'm late, i need to -- that's enough. i'll kill you! high-top nike cross-trainers with heel support and air-cushioned soles. they're nasty. it'll be kind of hard to talk, since you'll be in the car and i won't. i have new dreams now. maybe one day -- after you've been married twenty years you'll understand. i have to walk -- by myself -- all the way -- every inch. it's what she asked for. it's what i'm going to do. you'd be visiting me at nasa. i'll make it. no it's not. i've all ready gone six hundred miles. i can't do it again. nothing's going to happen. ellen would have loved you. how did that happen? don't bring it in here -- it probably has all kinds of diseases. it isn't going to make it ellen. let the poor thing go quietly. i don't believe it. you'll be all right. a couple days and you'll be up there again. ellen would have loved you. no! it's okay. it's all over. oh no. she's wearing a seat-belt. come on. please. please. no ellen. don't die. everything's going to be fine ellen. i won't let anything happen to you. i love you sweetie. everything's going to be different now. no thank you officer. i'll walk. i need to be brought back here. getting old. too long. excuse me gentlemen. where are you taking me? sure. what did they ask? thank you. i'm sorry you had to lie. it must have been difficult. i'm walking for my wife. pacifica, california. philadelphia, pennsylvania. do you believe a person's soul lives on after their death? and that that soul takes part of the person they were on this earth with them. i don't want my wife's soul having any doubts. about my love for her. i'm not proving to her. i'm showing her. and i know i don't have to. i want to. i've realized, love is about giving. i'm alive, i can still give to her. i want to give her everything i can. there are some people, including those officers, that are trying to stop me. they mean well. but they don't understand. i wouldn't either if i were them. you think i'm crazy too. well, hello. i'm maurice parker. i'm much older than three. are your parents home? is that right? you'll probably be bigger than your brothers. hello, i'm maurice parker. i'm just passing through and i need to conserve what little funds i have. i need some food and a roof to sleep under for one night. now i don't look like much, but if there are any things that need to get done around the house -- evening news? new york times? i thought you were asleep. your parents would want you to be in bed. oh no. i'm not good at that. very bad in fact. i would be exceedingly boring. i don't do these type of things. see there are two kinds of people in this world. . just a short one okay? there was a boy named isaac who wanted to play baseball, but he was too small and no one would let him play. but he kept practicing by himself -- waiting. he went to every game and sat in the stands with his glove. who's telling this story? good, now the team had this great big player -- big billy. he was the best. he had them in the world super-bowl-championship of little kids baseball. but right before the game, the second best player on the team was suspended because he played a prank on a nice man who owned a book store. when that boy grew up he was convicted on burglary charges and spent fifteen years in prison -- where he belongs. anyway, big billy needed another player so he yelled into the stands. 'who can play baseball?' and there was a little voice that yelled out, 'me, i can play.' everyone turned to see a little boy standing with a glove. right. but everyone saw how small isaac was and laughed. but not big billy. he stared at isaac carefully and then told him to join the game. it came to the end of the game. it was the eleventh or twelfth inning or whatever is the last inning of a game. okay nine. big billy's team was losing and he was on base. that's when isaac came up. he could barely hold the bat. big billy winked at isaac. the ball was pitched -- isaac hit the ball hard. it soared up and out over the stadium. everyone cheered. isaac hit a home run and won the game. after the game, isaac asked big billy why he let he play. big billy smiled and said, i wasn't always big billy, i was little billy first. isaac and big billy went off after the game and read a classic book together. the end. there was a boy named isaac who liked to play baseball. it's yours. this isn't right. this is a loan. i have to go now. why didn't i meet you fifteen years ago? i'm fine. it's him. he's plastered. no it's not. he should be here with me now, not trying to find some fucking bottle of johnny walker. he's never been there for me. i've always been alone. i'm afraid ellen. i'm scared of being alone again. what if one day you realize how boring i am? what if one day you realize you're not happy? i could have been alone before, but now you've changed things. i can't be alone anymore ellen. i'm scared what's going to happen to me. it's over ellen. i failed you again. i tried ellen, i really tried. i don't have the strength. you said i would never be alone!. you promised. . you promised. i'm fine. no thank you. no. where am i? which hospital? did you take me back? thank god. i can't believe you're here. i'm touched. are you two planning kids? you should definitely have children. they're really special. how serious is it? can it kill me? i suppose i over did it. what steps do we take now? what are the odds? do i have a fifty-fifty chance of surviving the operation? then it'll have to wait until i finish. i finish the walk, and then we may take all the chances we want. i'm completing the walk. i'm almost there. hello. confused. i'm not sure what to do now. i'm not sure what he wants for me. what do you mean? what? who are you? what the hell is this? my wife is dead. the grapes of wrath. i missed you kris. adelle told me, your writing is going well. the crusader for social issues and all. i haven't been too punctual with the rent. actually, i'm not worried about my career right now. i'm more worried about how you're getting me out of here? are they standing? what, come on? we do the operation after i finish. i can't risk not finishing. i thought you understood what i was doing. why in god's name did you fly all the way here then? to look me in the eye and say what's important to you isn't as important to me? to tell me you know what's best? to tell me life is more precious than what i feel for my wife? it's mine to risk. no more words. until i touch the ocean with my hands. it's all just words. what do your friends call you? do you have a car, steph? i need your help. you ever lose somebody stephanie? did you tell him everything you wanted to? did you do everything you could while he was here? if i don't do this steph, my life isn't worth saving. please, help me. this is it. this is where i fell. it's not too late. you're going to have a lot of work to do when i get back. someone is. i don't know. did you have a dream? where? why there? yes. go to sleep ellen. the beach of pacifica, california. go to sleep ellen. i have to finish first. it has nothing to do with you either. this is between ellen and me. i'm begging you. let me do this for ellen, let me do this for my wife.